I Searched For My Star
When I was little, I used to lie on my back in the grass at night. I
began to tell one star from another and wished that one of them could
be mine, like an imaginary friend.
Cand eram mic,obisnuiam sa stau culcat pe iarba,noaptea.Incepeam sa ghicesc fiecare stea si mi-am dorit ca una dintre ele sa poata fi a mea,ca un prieten imaginar.
First I picked the Pole Star, because it is the easiest for a child to
find, once you know that the Big Dipper is about to catch it. But I
wanted my star to be a moving star, and not such a constant one.
Besides, the sailors at sea would be lost without the Pole Star to
guide them.
Mai intai,am ales Steaua Polara,pentru ca este cea mai usor de gasit pentru un copil,odata ce sti ca Marele Adanc o sa o inghita.Dar vroiam ca steaua mea sa se miste,sa nu fie statica.Si pe langa asta.marinarii s-ar pierde pe mare fara Steaua Polara care ii ghideaza.
Next I picked out two special stars in the heart of the Swan. All the
other stars looked white - but these were bright blue and gold. They
reminded me of twin jewels, but before I could choose, I stopped. They
belonged to each other, and it wouldn't be fair to take just one.
Apoi am ales doua stele speciale din inima Lebedei.Toate celelalte stele erau albe-dar acestea erau albastru si auriu deschis.Mi-au adus aminte de bijuterii gemene.dar inainte sa pot alege,m-am oprit.Se aveau una pe cealalta si nu ar fi corect sa iau doar una.
Orion's belt caught my eye for a moment, but I'm not a hunter. I had
better leave the Dog Star alone, too, with its nose pressed to the
celestial trail and its tail thumping the sky.
Zona lui Orion mi-a atras atentia pentru un moment,dar nu sunt un vanator.Mai bine as lasa Steaua Cainelui in pace,cu nasul ei presat pe urma stelara si coada atingand cerul.
Last of all I turned to my favorites, the Seven Sisters. To me they
were like elegant ladies getting ready for a ball, wrapped in a
gossamer blue cloud. But who has the heart to tear seven sisters
In cele din urma,m-am indreptat catre favoritele mele,cele Sapte Surori.Pentru mine erau ca niste doamne elegante pregatindu-se pentru un bal,invaluite intr-un nor fin albastru.Dar cine are sufletul sa desparta sapte surori?
My game taught me a lot about the night sky, but I was growing up. The
whole idea of having my own star faded, and it was hard to remember if
I had ever chosen one in the end. People began to tell me that the
word "star" meant something quite different. I half believed them,
then one night I was tossing in bed, hurt and worried. My heart felt
heavy with troubles. Stumbling to my feet, I looked out the window.
Thick clouds masked the midnight sky. No stars!
Jocul meu m-a invatat multe despre cerul noptii,dar cresteam.Intregul plan sa am steaua mea a palit,si e greu sa imi amintesc daca mi-am ales una pana la urma.Oamenii au inceput sa imi spuna despre o alta semnificatie a cuvantului "star" I-am crezut doar pe jumatate si apoi intr-o noapte ma agitam in pat,ranit si ingrijorat.Inima mea era impovarata cu necazuri.Ridicandu-ma in picioare,am privit pe fereastra.Nori grosi acopereau cerul noptii.Nici o stea!
I trembled to think of a world without stars. No guide for the sailor
to trust at sea, no jewels to dazzle our sense of beauty, no hunter
pointing to the next horizon, no lovely ladies trailing perfume to
heaven's ballroom. But all around the globe, the air is so dirty and
the lights from the cities are so bright that for some people few
stars can be seen anymore. A generation of children may grow up seeing
a blank sky and asking, "Did there used to be stars there?"
M-am cutremurat la gandul unei lumi fara stele.Nimic in care marinarul se poate increde sa-i arate calea pe mare,nici o bijuterie care sa ne uluiasca cu frumusetea ei,nici un vanator aratand catre un alt orizont,fara doamne incantatoare lasand in urma lor un miros de parfum prin sala de bal din rai.Dar pretutindeni pe pamant,aerul este atat de murdar si luminile de la orase sunt atat de puternice incat pentru unii oamenii stelele abia daca se mai vad.O generatie de copii va creste vazand un cer gol si vor intreba "Au fost vreodata stele aici?"
Let's give them back the sky and let's do it now - before it's too
late. I'm going to search for my star until I find it. It's hidden in
the drawer of innocence, wrapped in a scarf of wonder. I'll need a map
to tell me which hole it should fill, and that will be a small one.
But there are nearly five billion of us on earth, and we all need the
sky. Find your star and throw it up to heaven. You still have it,
don't you?
Haideti sa le dam inapoi cerul si sa facem asta acum-pana cand nu e prea tarziu.O sa imi caut steaua pana o voi gasi.Este ascunsa in sertarul inocentei,invelita intr-o esarfa de minuni.O sa am nevoie de o harta sa imi arate ce spatiu trebuie sa umple si o sa fie unul ingust.
Dar suntem aproape 5 bilioane pe pamant si toti avem nevoie de cer.Gaseste-ti steaua si arunc-o in sus,spre rai.Inca o mai ai,nu-i asa?
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