Dragostea este cat se poate de subiectiva.Cand este impartita ,devine una.Misterul se dizolva.
I You We
I said you had to do it. You said you didn't want to. We talked about it, and we agreed that maybe I could help. I said you were wrong. You insisted you were right. We held each other's hand, and right and wrong disappeared.
I began crying. You began crying, too. We embraced, and between us grew a flower of peace. How I love this mystery called We! Where does it come from, out of thin air? I thought about this mystery, and I realized something : We must be love's favorite child, because until I reach out for you, We is not even there. It arrives on the wings of tenderness : it speaks through our silent understanding. When I laugh at myself, it smiles. When I forgive you, it dances in jubilation.
So We is not a choice anymore, not if you and I want to grow with one another. We unites us, increases our strength; it picks up our burden when you and I are ready to let it fall. The truth is that you and I would have given up long ago, but We won't let us. It is too wise.
"Look into your hearts," it says. "What do you see? Not you and I, but only We."
Am spus ca trebuie sa o faci.Ai spus ca nu vrei.Am discutat despre asta si am cazut decord ca poate te-as putea ajuta. Am spus ca gresesti.Tu ai insistat ca ai dreptate.Ne-am tinut de mana si corect sau gresit au disparut.
Am inceput sa plang.Si tu ai inceput sa plangi.Ne-am imbratisat si intre noi a aparut o floare a pacii. Cat de mult iubesc misterul asta Noi!De unde vine,pur si simplu apare?m-am gandit la acest mister,si mi-am dat seama de ceva:Porbabil suntem copilul favorit al iubirii,pentru ca pana sa ajung la tine,Noi nici macar nu exista.Ajunge pe aripile tandretii:vorbeste prin intelegerea noastra tacuta.Cand rad de mine,zambeste.Cant te iert,danseaza cu bucurie.
Asa ca Noi nu mai este o alegere,nu daca tu si cu mine vrem sa crestem impreuna.Noi ne uneste,creste forta;ridica greutatea cand tu si cu mine suntem gata sa-i dam drumul.Adevarul este ca tu si cu mine am fi renuntat demult,dar Noi nu ne lasa.Este prea intelept.
„Priviti in inimile voastre” spune.”Ce vedeti?” Nu tu si eu,doar Noi.
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