"And then there was Africa. We had read up on Africa because our tutor, Miss Fine, had prepared special lessons on the customs and history of each country we visited. We didn't get to see the prettier parts of Africa, but the ocean and the shore and the people were unbelievably beautiful near the coast where we were. We went to a game reserve one day and observed animals roaming wild. The music was eye-opening too. The rhythms were phenomenal. When we first came off the plane, it was dawn and there was a long line of Africans dancing in their native costumes, with drums and shakers. They were dancing all around, welcoming us. They were really into it. Boy, it was something. What a perfect way to welcome us to Africa. I'll never forget that.
And the craftspeople in the marketplace were incredible. People were making things as we watched and selling other things. I remember one man who made beautiful wood carvings. He'd ask you what you wanted and you'd say, "A man's face," and he'd take a piece from a tree trunk, slice it, and create this remarkable face. You could watch him do it right before your eyes. I'd just sit there and watch people step up to ask him to make something for them and he'd do this whole thing over and over. It was a visit to Senegal that made us realize how fortunate we were and how our African heritage had helped to make us what we were. We visited an old, abandoned slave camp at Gore Island and we were so moved. The African people had given us gifts of courage and endurance that we couldn't hope to repay."
"Si apoi a fost Africa.Am studiat despre Africa pentru ca tutoarea noastra,doamna Fine,ne-a pregatit lectii speciale despre obiceiurile si istoria fiecarei tari pe care am vizitat-o.Nu am vazut chiar cele mai frumoase parti ale Africii,dar oceanul,tarmul si oamenii erau nespus de frumosi in apropierea coastei unde ne aflam.Ne-am dus intr-o rezervatie de vanatoare intr-o zi si am observat animalele umbland libere in salbaticie. Muzica iti atragea atentia deasemenea.Ritmurile erau fenomenale.Cand am coborat prima oara din avion,abia se crapa de ziua si erau multi africani dansand in costumele lor traditionale,cu tobe si shakere. Dansau imprejurul nostru,urandu-ne bun venit.Chiar se implicasera.Era ceva special.Ce mod grozav de a ne ura bun venit in Africa.Nu voi uita asta niciodata.
Mesterii din piata erau incredibili.Oamenii faceau obiecte in timp ce priveam si vindeau alte lucruri.Imi aduc aminte de un om care cioplea minunat in lemn.Te intreba ce vrei si tu spuneai "o fata de barbat" si eu lua o bucata din trunchiul unui copac,o taia si creea aceasta fata superba.Facea asta chiar sub ochiii tai.Stateam acolo si ma uitam cum oamenii il rugau sa faca ceva pentru ei si facea asta iar si iar.
Vizita in Senegal ne-a facut sa realizam cat de norocosi eram si cum mostenirea africana ne-a ajutat sa devenim ceea ce suntem acum.Am vizitat un vechi si abandonat camp de sclavi in Insula Gore si am fost foarte impresionati.Oamenii din Africa ne-au dat cadouri de incurajare si rezistenta pe care n-am fi putut sa le rasplatim."
"In my heart, deepest of heart, I really love Africa and I love the people of Africa. That's why, whenever I get the chance, the children and I, we jump on the plane and fly to Africa and we have vacation there. I spend more of my vacation in Africa than in any other country. And ah, we love the people and we love the environment. Topographically, one of the most beautiful places on the surface of the Earth. They never show the sandy white sugar beaches, and it's there! And they never show the beautiful, you know the landscaping, never show the buildings, the metropolis and urban - Johannesburg, Cape Town, Kenya, ur, you know the Ivory Coast ur, you know, Rwanda, how beautiful the place is! And it's really stunningly beautiful! And I want to heighten that awareness with what I'm doing and it's been my dream for many, many years. And everybody around me knows that, because I go there very much.
The world is jealous of Africa for many centuries because it's natural resources is phenomenal. It really is. And it is the dawn of civilization. The history, a lot of our bible history is right there in Africa. And King Tut, all those great civilizations - that is right there in Africa. Egypt is in Africa! And they always try to separate the two, but Egypt is Africa!
I'm more aware of the rythms and the music and the people.That's what i'm really noticing more than anything.The rythms are incredible.You can tell especially the way the children move.Even the little babies,when they hear the drums,they start to move.The rythm,the way it affects their soul and they start to move."
"In inima mea,in adancul inimii mele,iubesc Africa si poporul ei.De aceea,de cate ori am ocazia,copiii mei si cu mine,luam avionul si zburam in Africa,unde stam in vacanta.Imi petrec mare parte din vacanta in Africa,mai mult decat in orice alta tara.Si iubim oamenii si imprejurimile.Geografic vorbind este una dintre cele mai frumoase locuri de pe Pamant.Nu arata niciodata plajele cu nisip alb si este acolo!Niciodata nu arata partea frumoasa,peisajul,cladirile,orasul si partea urbana-Johannesburg,Cape Town,Keny,Coasta Ivoriana,Rwanda,cat de frumos e locul acesta!Si e chiar uimitor de frumos!Si trebuie sa atrag atentia serios prin ceea ce fac si este visul meu de multi ani incoace.Si toata lumea imprejurul meu stie asta,pentru ca merg acolo foarte des.
Lumea simte invidie fata de Africa de multe secole pentru ca resursele sale naturale sunt uimitoare.Chiar sunt.Si este locul nasterii civilizatiei.Istoria,mare parte din istoria noastra religioasa este chiar in Africa.Regele Tut,toate civilizatiile marete- toate astea sunt in Africa.Egiptul este in Africa!Si intodeauna incearca sa le separe,dar Egiptul este Africa!
Acum sunt mai atent la ritmuri la muzica si la oameni.De asta imi dau seama mai mult decat orice.Ritmurile sunt incredibile.Poti sa iti dai seama mai ales dupa felul in care se misca copiii.Chiar si beblusii.cand aud tobele,incep sa se miste.Ritmul,prin modul in care le atinge sufletul si incep sa se miste."
"For me,it's like "The dawn of civilisation".It's the first place where society existed.It's seen a lot of love.I guess there's that connection because it is the root of all rythm.Everything.It's home."
"Pentru mine,este ca locul de nastere al civilizatiei.Este primul loc unde a existat societatea.Este multa dragoste acolo.Cred ca este aceasta legatura pentru ca Africa este sursa tututror ritmurilor.Totul.Este acasa."
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