"He got kicked in the backA fost tratat nedrept He say that he needed thatA spus ca avea nevoie de astaHe hot willed in the face
El are o vointa puternica pe chip
Keep daring to motivateContinua sa indrazneasca sa se motivezeHe say one day you will seeEl spune ca intr-o zi vei vedeaHis place in world historyLocul lui in istoria lumii
He dares to be recognizedIndrazneste sa fie recunoscutThe fire’s deep in his eyesAre foc in priviri
Every day create your history
In fiecare zi creaza-ti istoriaEvery path you take you’re leaving your legacyFiecare drum urmat iti lasi mostenirea
Don’t let no one get you downNu lasa pe nimeni sa te doboareKeep movin’ on higher ground
Continua sa avanseziKeep flying untilZboara pana candYou are the king of the hill
Esti deasupra tuturorNo force of nature can break
Nici o forta a naturii nu-ti poate luaYour will to self motivate
Puterea de automotivareShe say this face that you see
Ea spune ca fata pe care o vezi acumIs destined for history
E destinata sa intre in istorie
All nations sing
Toate natiunile sa cante
Let's harmonize all around the world
Haideti sa fie pace pretutindeni in lume"
Scream (featuring Janet Jackson)
They Don't Care About Us
Stranger in Moscow
This Time Around (featuring The Notorious B.I.G.)
Look Again, Baby Seal
One of the most touching nature photographs is of a baby fur seal
lying on the ice alone. I'm sure you have seen it -- the picture seems
to be all eyes, the trusting dark eyes of a small animal gazing up at
the camera and into your heart. When I first looked at them, the eyes
asked, "Are you going to hurt me?" I knew the answer was yes, because
thousands of baby seals were being killed every year.
Many people were touched by one baby seal's helplessness. They gave
money to save the seals, and public awareness started to shift. As I
returned to the picture, those two wide eyes began to say something
different. Now they asked, "Do you know me?" This time I didn't feel
so much heartache as when I felt the violence man inflicts upon
animals. But I realized that there was still a big gap. How much did I
really know about life on earth? What responsibility did I feel for
creatures outside my little space? How could I lead my life so that
every cell of living matter was also benefited?
Everyone who began to wonder about these things found, I think, that
their feelings were shifting away from fear toward more closeness with
life as a whole. The beauty and wonder of life began to seem very
personal; the possibility of making the planet a garden for all of us
to grow in began to dawn. I looked into the eyes of the baby seal, and
for the first time they smiled. "Thank you," they said. "You have
given me hope."
Is that enough? Hope is such a beautiful word, but it often seems very
fragile. Life is still being needlessly hurt and destroyed. The image
of one baby seal alone on the ice or one baby girl orphaned in war is
still frightening in its helplessness. I realized that nothing would
finally save life on earth but trust in life itself, in its power to
heal, in its ability to survive our mistakes and welcome us back when
we learn to correct those mistakes.
Una dintre cele mai emotionante poze din natura este cea a unui pui de foca stand pe ghiata singur.Sunt sigur ca ati vazut-o-poza pare sa fie numai ochi,ochii negrii increzatori a unui mic animal uitandu-se la aparatul de fotografiat si in adancul inimii tale.Cand m-am uitat prima oara la ei,ochii au intrebat:"O sa imi faci rau?" Stiam ca raspunsul era da,pentru ca mii de pui de foca erau omorati in fiecare an.
Multi oameni au fost impresionati de puiul de foca neajutorat.Au dat bani sa salveze focile si grija publica a suferit o modificare.Cand m-am intors la poza,acesti doi ochi mari au inceput sa spuna altceva.Acum intrebau,"Ma cunosti?"De data asta nu m-a mai durut atat de tare ,ca atunci cand am simtit violenta la care sunt supuse animalele de catre oameni.Dar mi-am dat seama ca era inca un mare gol.Cat de mult cunosteam cu adevarat viata pe pamant?Ce responsabilitate aveam pentru fiintele dinafara spatiului meu restrans?Cum puteam sa imi duc viata astfel incat sa pot ajuta fiecare fiinta vie?
Toata lumea care a inceput sa se gandesca la aceste lucruri,si-au dat seama ca sentimentele lor se indepartau de teama,apropiindu-se mai mult de viata.Frumusetea si minunatiile vietii au inceput sa fie mai personale.Posibilitatea de a face planeta o gradina pentru noi toti,pentru a trai in ea,a inceput sa apara.M-am uitat in ochii puiului de foca si pentru prima data zambeau."Iti multumesc" spuneau ei."Mi-ai dat speranta"
Ajunge oare atat?Speranta este un cuvant atat de frumos,dar este fragil deseori.Viata este distrusa inca fara sens.Imaginea unui pui de foca singur pe ghiata sau a unei fetite orfane in timpul razboiului este inspaimantatoare, cat de neajutorati par.Mi-am dat seama ca nimic nu va salva viata pe pamant dar increderea in viata insasi,in putearea ei de a vindeca,in abilitatea ei de a supravietui greselilor noastre ,ea ne va ura bun venit cand vom invata sa indreptam aceste greseli.
Earth Song
D.S. (featuring Slash)
Come Together
You Are Not Alone
Childhood (Theme from Free Willy 2)
Tabloid Junkie
2 Bad (featuring Shaquille O'Neal)
Little Susie
"In truth, I really didn't want the album to be about old songs, you know. It is a Greatest Hits album - to me most Greatest Hits Albums are boring, you know, and I wanted to keep creating. You know, the new songs are very different. They are autobiographical, I mean they came from the heart - they are myself. They are not my songs anymore it's the way I feel they belong to everybody now."
Adevarul este ca nu am vrut ca albumul sa fie despre cantece vechi.Este un album cu cele mai tari hituri-si mie mi se pare plictisitor,vroiam sa continui sa creez.Cantecele noi sunt foarte diferite.Sunt autobiografice,vin din suflet-sunt o parte din mine.Nu mai sunt cantecele mele,sunt felul in care simt ca acum ele apartin tuturor.
"Sometimes the only thing you can do is scream. (laughs) Don't you ever feel this way? You just wanna let it all out. People should listen and decide for themselves.
"Cateodata,tot ce iti mai ramane de facut este sa tipi.Nu te simti niciodata asa?Vrei doar sa dai totul afara.Oamenii ar trebui sa asculte si sa decida singuri."
"Our personal history begins in childhood and the song "Childhood" is a reflection of my life, years ago, when I was much younger. And it's about the pain, some of the joys, some of the dreaming, some of the mental adventures I took because of the different lifestyle that I had being a child performer. I was born on the stage and "Childhood" - it is my mirror - it is my story."
"Istoria noastra personala incepe din copilarie si cantecul Copilarie este o poveste a vietii mele,acum multi ani,cand eram mai tanar.Este despre suferinta,unele bucurii,unele vise,aventurile pe care le-am avut doar in minte datorita stilului de viata diferit pe care l-am avut ca fiind copil artist.M-am nascut pe scena si Childhood este oglinda mea-este povestea mea."
Earth Song
"I remember writing Earth Song when I was in Austria, in a hotel. And I was feeling so much pain and so much suffering of the plight of the Planet Earth. And for me, uhm, this is Earth's Song, because I think nature is trying so hard to compensate for man's mismanagement of the Earth. And with the ecological unbalance going on, and a lot of the, uh, problems in the environment, I think earth feels... feels the pain, and she has wounds, and it's about some of the joys of the planet as well. But this is my chance to pretty much let people hear the voice of the planet.
And this is "Earth Song". And that's what inspired it. And it just suddenly dropped into my lap when I was in... on tour in Austria."
"Imi aduc aminte,am scris Earth Song in Austria,intr-un hotel.Ma durea si sufeream gandindu-ma la conditia planetei.Si pentru mine,acesta este Cantecul Pamantului,eu cred ca natura incearca din greu sa compenseze pentru neglijentele omului asupra planetei.Si cu dezechilibrul ecologic si problemele mediului, pamantul simte...simte durerea si are rani,dar este si despre unele bucurii ale planetei.Asta este sansa mea sa-i fac pe oamenii sa auda glasul planetei.
Si acesta este Earth Song.De aici a fost inspirat.Pur si simplu a aparut cand eram... in turneu in Austria."
Stranger in Moscow
"Stranger in Moscow was written, uh, when I was in Moscow on the Dangerous-Tour. And it was just a strange, eerie, lonely time for me. Outside my hotel was just a sea of faces of... of fans chanting and screaming. But I was inside my room and I felt so all alone, like I was the last person of the planet. And in the song I say "How does it feel when you're alone and you're cold inside." uh, I say "It's like a stranger in Moscow" and that's pretty much how I felt. And the people were some of the nicest people I've ever met. And the concert was very successful, but, uhm, that day, especially that day, I just felt this different feeling and the song "Stranger in Moscow" came to me. So that's how it was written."
"Stranger in Moscow a fost scris ,cand eram in Moscova,in turneul Dangerous.Era o perioada ciudata pentru mine si ma simteam singur.Afara hotelului era o mare de oameni..de fani cantand si tipand.Eu eram in camera mea si ma simteam atat de singur,ca si cum as fi fost singura persoana de pe lume.Si in cantec spun "Cum se simte cand esti singur si rece pe dinauntru" si spun "este ca un strain in Moscova" si asa ma simteam.Oamenii erau dintre cei mai draguti pe care i-am cunoscut vreodata.Si concertul a avut mult succes,dar in ziua aceia,in special atunci,am simtit acel sentiment diferit si cantecul Stranger in Moscow a venit la mine.Asa a fost scris."
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