“I respect the secrets and magic of nature that's why it makes me so angry when I see these things that are happening ,every second I hear the size of a football field is tore down in the amazon, that kind of stuff really boders me that's why I write these kind of songs you know, it gives a sense of awerness and awakening and hope to people! I love the planet i love trees i have this thing for trees and the colours and changing of leaves i love it.I respect those kind of things!
I really feel that nature is trying so hard to compensate for men’s mismanagement to the planet,cause the planet is sick like a fever,if we don’t fix it now is at the point of no return,this is our last chance to fix this problem that we have or it’s like a runaway train,and the time has come,this is it!
I love you!"
Michael Jackson-This is it
“Ever since I was born, daddy has been the best father you could ever imagine...and I just wanted to say I love him so much”
Paris Jackson about Michael,her daddy
"We're proud to be here to accept this award on behalf of our father, Michael Jackson.First of all we'd like to thank God for watching over us for these past seven months and our grandma and grandpa for their love and support. We'd also like to thank the fans. Our father loved you so much because you were always there for him .Our father was always concerned about the planet and humanity ,his hard work and dedication and has helped many charities.Through all his songs,his message was simple:love! We will continue to spread his message and help the world,thank you,we love you daddy!
Daddy was supposed to be here. Daddy was going to perform this year but he couldn't perform last year, Thank you, we love you Daddy."
Prince and Paris,Grammy Awards 2010
"Respect secretele si magia naturii,de aceea ma supara atat de mult cand vad tot ce se intampla acum,in fiecare secunda din padurea amazoniana sunt taiate portiuni de marimea unui teren de football,toata astea ma deranjeaza,de aceea scriu aceste cantece,pentru a-i face pe oameni sa realizeze,sa se preocupe si sa aiba speranta!Iubesc planeta si copacii,mi se pare speciala schimbarea culorilor frunzelor din copaci.Imi place la nebunie.Si respect toate astea!'
Simt ca natura incearca din rasputeri sa compenseze pentru daunele provocate de om planetei.Planeta e bolnava ca o febra,daca nu o rezolvam acum nu va mai fi cale de intoarcere,este ultima noastra sansa sa rezolvam problema,sau va fi ca un tren in viteza,acum este timpul!
Va iubesc!"
Michael Jackson,This is it
"De cand m-am nascut,tatii a fost cel mai bun tata pe care vi l-ati putea imagina...si vreau sa spun ca il iubesc atat de mult."
Paris despre taticul ei
"Suntem foarte mandri sa acceptam acest premiu in numele tatalui nostru,Michael Jackson.In primul rand vrem sa-i multumim lui Dumnezeu pentru ca ne-avut in paza aceste sapte luni,si bunicii si bunicului nostru pentru dragostea si sprijinul lor.Am vrea sa le multumim fanilor.Tatal nostru v-a iubit asa de mult pentru ca ati fost mereu alaturi de el.Tatal nostru s-a preocupat mereu de planeta si de oameni,a muncit mult si a facut multe acte caritabile.Mesajul din toate cantecele sale era simplu:Dragoste. Vom continua sa raspandim mesajul sau si sa ajutam lumea,va multumim,te iubim tati!
Tati trebuia sa fie aici.Tati trebuia sa cante anul acesta,dar anul trecut nu a putut.Va multumesc,te iubim tati!"
Prince si Paris ,Premiile Grammy 2010
*Traducerile din acest blog imi apartin integral.
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