A Child is a Song
When children listen to music, they don't just listen. They melt into the melody and flow with the rhythm. Something inside starts to unfold its wings - soon the child and the music are one. I feel that way, too, in the presence of music, and my best moments of creativity have often been spent with children. When I am around them, music comes to me as easily as breathing.
Each song is a child I nourish and give my love to. But even if you have never written a song, your life is a song. How can it not be? In wave after wave, Nature caresses you - the rhythm of each dawn and each sunset is part of you, the falling rain touches your soul, and you see yourself in the clouds that are playing tag with the sun. To live is to be musical, starting with the blood dancing in your veins. Everything living has a rhythm. To feel each one, softly and attentively, brings out its music.
Do you feel your music?
Children do, but once we grow up, life becomes a burden and a chore, and the music grows fainter. Sometimes the heart is so heavy that we turn away from it and forget that its throbbing is the wisest message of life, a wordless message that says, "Live, be, move, rejoice -- you are alive!" Without the heart's wise rhythm, we could not exist.
When I begin to feel a little tired or burdened, children revive me. I turn to them for new life, for new music. Two brown eyes look at me so deeply, so innocently, and inside I murmur, "This child is a song." It is so true and direct an experience that instantly I realize again, "I am a song also." I am back to myself once more.
In timp ce asculta muzica,copiii nu doar asculta.Se topesc in melodie si plutesc pe ritm.Ceva inauntrul lor incepe sa-si deschida aripile-curand copilul si muzica sunt unul singur.Ma simt si eu asa,in prezenta muzicii,si cele mai bune momente ale creativitatii mele au fost deobicei cele petrecute in preajma copiilor.Cand sunt cu ei,muzica vine la fel de usor ca respiratul.
Fiecare cantec este un copil pe care il cresc si ii dau dragostea mea.Chiar daca nu ai scris niciodata un cantec,viata ta e un cantec.Cum ar putea sa nu fie?In val dupa val,Natura te mangaie-ritmul fiecarui rasarit si fiecare apus este parte din tine,ploaia care cade iti atinge sufletul,si te vezi in norii care se joaca de-a prinselea cu soarele.A trai inseamna a fi muzical,incepand cu sangele care iti danseaza in vene.Tot ce e viu are ritm.A simti unul pe celelalt,incet si cu atentie,aduce afara muzica.
Iti simti muzica?
Copiii fac asta,dar odata ce crestem,viata devine greutate si munca si muzica incepe sa paleasca.Cateodata inima este atat de grea incat ne indepartam de muzica si uitam ca pulsatia sa este cel mai intelept mesaj al vietii,un mesaj fara cuvinte care spune :”Traiesti,fi,misca-te,inveseleste-te-esti viu!” Fara ritmul intelept al inimii,nu am putea exista.
Cand incep sa ma simt putin obosit sau apasat de griji,copiii imi dau energie.Ei imi dau o noua viata,muzica noua.Doi ochi caprui se uita la mine atat de adanc,de inocent si ma gandesc”Copilul acesta este un cantec” Este o experienta adevarata si directa care ma face sa realizez „Si eu sunt un cantec” M-am intors la mine insumi iar.
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