"I just want to lay next to you
for awhileVreau doar sa stau langa tine putinYou look so beautiful tonightArati atat de bine asta searaYour eyes are so lovelyOchii tai sunt atat de frumosiYour mouth is so sweetGura ta e atat de dulceA lot of people misunderstand MeMulti oameni nu ma intelegThat's because they don't know me at allAsta pentru ca nu ma cunosc delocI just want to touch youVreau doar sa te atingAnd hold you
Sa te tin in brateI need youAm nevoie de tineGod I need youCat de mult am nevoie de tineI love you so much
Te iubesc atat de mult"
Why did it take so long to make Bad? The answer is that Quincy and I decided that this album should be as close to perfect as humanly possible. A perfectionist has to take his time; he shapes and he molds and he sculpts that thing until it's perfect. He can't let it go before he's satisfied; he can't.
De ce a durat asa de mult crearea albumului Bad?Raspunsul este ca eu si Quincy am decis ca acest album trebuie sa fie cat se poate de aproape de perfectiune.Un perfectionist trebuie sa-si acorde timpul timpul necesar.El da forma,modeleaza si sculpteaza pana totul iese perfect.Nu lasa ce a inceput pana nu e multumit.Nu poate.
We did go after a rock type of song with "Beat It." We got Eddie Van Halen to play guitar because we knew he'd do the best job. Albums should be for all races, all tastes in music.
Ne-am orientat dupa un cantec rock cu "Beat it".Eddie Van Halen a fost ales sa faca partea de chitara pentru ca stiam ca va face o treaba excelenta.Albumele trebuie sa fie pentru toate rasele,toate gusturile in muzica.
"Bad" is a song about the street. It's about this kid from a bad neighborhood who gets to go away to a private school. He comes back to the old neighborhood when he's on a break from school and the kids from the neighborhood start giving him trouble. He sings, "I'm bad, you're bad, who's bad, who's the best?" He's saying when you're strong and good, then you're bad.
Bad este un cantec despre lumea strazii.Este despre un pusti dintr-un cartier rau famat care are sansa sa studieze la o scoala privata.Se intoarce in vechiul sau cartier,intr-o vacanta si cei din cartier incep sa-i faca probleme.El canta, "eu sunt rau,tu esti rau,cine e rau,cine e cel mai bun?"El spune cand esti puternic si bun,ei sunt rai.
"Man in the Mirror" is a great message. I love that song. If John Lennon was alive, he could really relate to that song because it says that if you want to make the world a better place, you have to work on yourself and change first. It's the same thing Kennedy was talking about when he said, "Ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country." If you want to make the world a better place, take a look at yourself and make a change. Start with the man in the mirror. Start with yourself. Don't be looking at all the other things. Start with you. That's the truth. That's what Martin Luther King meant and Gandhi too. That's what I believe.
Man in the mirror are un mesaj extraordinar.Ador cantecul asta.Daca John Lennon ar mai fi trait,s-ar fi simtit legat de cantec care spune,daca vrei sa faci lumea un loc mai bun,trebuie sa incepi cu tine,tu sa te schimbi mai intai.La acelasi lucru se referea si Kenedy,cand a spus"Nu intreba ce poate tara sa faca pentru tine,intreaba-te ce poti face tu pentru tara"Daca vrei sa faci lumea mai buna,uite-te la tine si fa o schimbare.Incepe cu omul din oglinda.Incepe cu tine.Nu te uita in jurul tau.Incepe cu tine.
Asta e adevarul.Asta au vrut sa spuna Martin Luther King si Gandhi.La fel cred si eu.
Several people have asked me if I had anybody in mind when I wrote "Can't Stop Loving You." And I say that I didn't, really. I was thinking of somebody while I was singing it, but not while I was writing it.
Multi oameni m-au intrebat daca m-am gandit la cineva cand am scris "I just can't stop loving you" Si le-am spus ca nu,sincer.Ma gandeam la cineva in timp ce il cantam,dar nu cand l-am scris.
I'm sending a simple message here: "Leave me alone." The song is about a relationship between a guy and a girl. But what I'm really saying to people who are bothering me is: "Leave me alone ."
Trimit un mesaj simplu aici:"Lasati-ma in pace" Cantecul este despre o relatie dintre un baiat si o fata.Dar ceea ce incerc cu adevarat sa spun oamenilor care ma deranjeaza este:"Leave me alone"
The Way You Make Me Feel
Speed Demon
Liberian Girl
Just Good Friends (featuring Stevie Wonder)
Another Part of Me
Man in the Mirror
I Just Can't Stop Loving You
Dirty Diana
Smooth Criminal
Leave Me Alone
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