Ryan White, symbol of justice
Ryan White simbol al justitiei
Or child of innocence,
Copil al inocentei
messenger of love
Mesager al iubirii
Where are you now, where have you gone?
Unde esti acum?Unde ai plecat?
Ryan White, I miss your sunny days
Ryan White,mi-e dor de zilele tale insorite
We carelessly frolicked in extended plays
Ne-am distrat cu drag in jocuri nenumarate
I miss you, Ryan White
Mi-e dor de tine Ryan White
I miss your smile, innocent and bright
Mi-e dor de zambetul tau,inocent si luminos
I miss your glory, I miss your light
Mi-e dor de aura ta ,de lumina ta.
Ryan White, symbol of contradiction
Ryan White symbol al contradictiei
Child of Irony, of child of fiction?
Copil al ironiei sau copil al fictiunii
I think of your shattered life
Ma gandesc la viata ta sfaramata
Of your struggle, of your strife
La efortul tau,la lupta ta
While ladies dance in the moonlit night
Cand doamnele danseaza in noaptea luminata de luna
Champagne parties on chartered cruises
Petreceri cu sampanie sau croaziere pe mare
I see your wasted form, your ghostly sight
Iti vad forma sfarsita, imaginea transparenta
I feel your festering wounds, your battered bruises
Iti simt ranile chinuitoare,vanataile adanci
Ryan White, symbol of agony and pain
Ryan White,simbol al agoniei si al suferintei
Of ignorant fear gone insane
A teamei ignorante dusa pana la nebunie
In a hysterical society
Intr-o societate isterica
With free-floating anxiety
Cu anxietate peste tot
And feigned piety
Si mila falsa.
I miss you, Ryan White
Mi-e dor de tine Ryan White
You showed us how to stand and fight
Ne-ai aratat cum sa rezistam si sa luptam
In the rain you were a cloudburst of joy
Ai fost o ploaie de enorma fericire
The sparkle of hope in every girl and boy
O sclipire de speranta pentru fiecare fata si baiat
In the depths of your anguished sorrow
In adancurile chinuitoarelor tale dureri
Was the dream of another tomorrow.
Era visul de a merge inainte.
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