"Keep on with the force don't stop,/Mergi inainte cu forta nu te opri/don't stop till' you get enough/nu te opri pana nu primesti destul"
"Making Off the Wall was one of the most difficult periods of my life,
despite the eventual success it enjoyed. I had very few close friends at the
time and felt very isolated. I was so lonely that I used to walk through my
neighbourhood hoping I'd run into somebody I could talk to and perhaps
become friends with. I wanted to meet people who didn't know who I was. I
wanted to run into somebody who would be my friend because they liked me and
needed a friend too, not because I was who I am. I wanted to meet anybody in
the neighbourhood - the neighbourhood kids, anybody."
"Cand am produs Off the wall treceam prin cea mai grea perioada a vietii mele,in ciuda succesului de care am avut parte.Aveam foarte putini prieteni apropiati la acea vreme si ma simteam izolat.Eram ata de singur incat ma plimbam prin imprejurimi sperand sa dau peste cineva cu care as putea vorbi si cu care sa ma imprietenesc.Vroiam sa cunosc oameni care nu stiau cine sunt.As fi vrut sa dau peste cinrva care sa fie prietenul meu pentru ca ma placea cu adevarat si care avea deasemenea nevoie de un prieten,nu pentru ca eram cineva.Am vrut sa cunosc pe oricine din cartier,copiii,oricine."
'The Off the Wall album was originally going to be called Girlfriend . Paul
and Linda McCartney wrote a song of that title with me in mind before they
ever met me."
'Albumul Off the wall trebuia sa se numeasca initial Girlfriend.Paul si Linda McCartney au scris un cantec cu titlul asta gandindu-se la mine,chiar daca nu ma cunoscusera inca."
"The strangest thing happened when we were making Off the Wall ; Quincy
walked up to me one day and said, "Michael, I've got a song that's perfect
for you." He played "Girlfriend" for me, not realising, of course, that Paul
had written it for me originally. When I told him, he was astonished and
pleased. We recorded it soon after and put it on the album. It was an
incredible coincidence."
"S-a intamplat un lucru ciudat in timp ce lucram la Off the wall;Quincy a venit la mine intr-o zi si a spus:Michael,am un cantec perfect pentru tine!.Mi-a pus Girlfriend fara sa-si dea seama,desigur,ca Paul a scris-o de fapt,pentru mine.Cand i-am spus,a fost mirat si multumit.L-am inregistrat la scurt timp dupa si l-am inclus in album.A fost o coincidenta incredibila.'
"Rod Temperton came in the studio, and he came with this killer––he’s this little German guy from Wurms, Germany––he comes with this … ‘doop, dakka dakka doop, dakka dakka dakka doop’, this whole melody and chorus, Rock With You. I go, WOW! So when I heard that, I said, ‘OK, I really have to work now.’ So every time Rod would present something, I would present something, and we’d form a little friendly competition. I love working like that. I used to read how Walt Disney used to, if they were working on Bambi or an animated show, they’d put a deer in the middle of the floor and make the animators kind of compete with different styles of drawing. Whoever had the most stylized effect that Walt liked, he would pick that. They would kind of compete, it was like a friendly thing, but it was competition, ’cause it breeds higher effort. So whenever Rod would bring something, I would bring something, then he would bring something, then I would bring something else. We created this wonderful thing."
'Rod Temperton a venit la studio,si a venit cu ceva grozav-el este tipul asta micut ,german din Wurms,Germania-si vine cu asta...‘doop, dakka dakka doop, dakka dakka dakka doop’,toata melodia si refrenul.Rock with you.Atunci am spus,WOW! Cand am auzit asta,am spus "OK,chiar trebuie sa ma pun pe treaba acum" De fiecare data cand Rod venea cu ceva,eu veneam cu ceva,si formama o mica competitie amicala.Imi place sa lucrez asa.Am citit cum facea asta Walt Disney,daca lucrau la Bambi sau alt desen animat,puneau o caprioara in mijlocul podelei si faceau animatiile sa se intreaca intre ele cu diferite stiluri de desen.Cine avea cel mai stilizat efect care ii placea lui Walt,il alegea pe acela.Era ca un fel de competitie,dar era prieteneasca,dar chiar era o intrecere,pentru ca cere mai mult efort.
Asa ca de fiecare data cand Rod aducea ceva,si eu veneam cu ceva,si apoi iar el,si eu.Am creat acest lucru minunat.'
'That song means a lot to me because it was the first
song I wrote as a whole. "Don't Stop Till You Get Enough" was my first big
chance, and it went straight to number one. It was the song that won me my
first Grammy. Quincy had the confidence in me to encourage me to go into the
studio by myself, which put icing on the cake."
'Cantecul asta inseamna mult pentru mine pentru ca este primul pe care l-am scris in intregime.Don't Stop Till You Get Enough a fost prima mea mare sansa,si a mers direct in top.Este cantecul cu care am castigat primul premiu Grammy.Quincy a avut incredere in mine si m-a incurajat sa lucrez pe cont propriu,ceea ce a imbunatatit totul."
'So much up-tempo dance music is threatening, but I liked the coaxing, the
gentleness, taking a shy girl and letting her shed her fears rather than
forcing them out of her. On Off the Wall I went back to a high-pitched
voice, but "Rock with You" called for a more natural sound. I felt that if
you were having a party, those two songs would get people in the door, and
the harder boogie songs would send everyone home in a good mood. And then
there was "She's Out of My Life." Maybe that was too personal for a party."
"Atat de multa muzica ritmata poate fi periculoasa,dar imi placea convingerea,delicatetea,sa lasi o fata timida sa-si elimine singura temerile fara sa o fortezi sa faca asta.Pe Off the wall,m-am intors la vocea inalta dar pentru Rock with you,era nevoie de un sunet mai natural.Am simtit ,daca dadeai o petrecere,aceste doua melodii i-ar face pe oameni sa vina si sunetele de boogie i-ar face pe toti sa se intoarca acasa intr-o dispozitie buna.Si apoi a fost She's out of my life.Dar cantecul asta era prea personal pentru o petrecere."
"I got too wrapped up in "She's Out of My Life." In this case, the
story's true - I cried at the end of a take, because the words suddenly had
such a strong effect on me. I had been letting so much build up inside me. I
was twenty-one years old, and I was so rich in some experiences while being
poor in moments of true joy. Sometimes I imagine that my life experience is
like an image in one of those trick mirrors in the circus, fat in one part
and thin to the point of disappearing in another. I was worried that would
show up on "She's Out of My Life," but if it touched people's heartstrings,
knowing that would make me feel less lonely."
"M-am implicat prea mult in She's out of my life.In acest caz,povestea este adevarata-Plangeam la sfarsitul filmarii,cuvintele aveau dintr-o data un efect atat de puternic asupra mea,am lasat atat de mult sa se adune in mine.Aveam douazeci si unu de ani,si eram pe atat de bogat in unele experiente,pe atat de sarac in momente de bucurie adevarata.Cateodata imi imaginez ca experienta mea de viata este ca o imagine ca ele din oglinzile trucate de la circ,gras pe o parte si slab pe cealalta.Imi faceam griji ca asta o sa se vada pe "She's out of my life" dar daca a atins inimile oamenilor,stiind asta,nu m-as mai simti atat de singur.
Don't Stop 'til You Get Enough
Rock with You
Workin' Day and Night
Get On the Floor
Off the Wall
She's Out of My Life
I Can't Help It
It's the Falling in Love
Burn This Disco Out
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