"I think I told you, I'm a lover not a fighter"/"Cred ca ti-am spus deja,sunt pentru iubire,nu pentru cearta"
"I remember being in the studio once with Quincy and Rod Temperton while we were working on Thriller . I was playing a pinball machine and one of them asked me, "If this album doesn't do as well as Off the Wall , will you be disappointed?"
I remember feeling upset - hurt that the question was even raised. I told them Thriller had to do better than Off the Wall . I admitted that I wanted this album to be the biggest-selling album of all time.
They started laughing. It was a seemingly unrealistic thing to want."
"Imi aduc aminte ,odata eram in studio cu Quincy si Rod Temperton si lucram la albumul Thriller.
Ma jucam pinball si unul dintre ei m-a intrebat "Daca albumul asta nu iese atat de bine ca Off the wall,vei fi dezamagit?"
Imi aduc aminte ca am fost mahnit-ranit ca s-ar putea pune problema asa.Le-am spus ca Thriller trebuie sa fie mai bun decat Off the wall.Am recunoscut ca vreau acest album sa aiba cele mai mari vanzari din toate timpurile.
Au inceput sa rada.Era practic ceva imposibil de dorit."
Making the Thriller album was very hard work, but it's true that you only get out of something what you put into it. I'm a perfectionist: I'll work until I drop. And I worked so hard on that album.
A fost foarte grea munca pentru albumul Thriller,dar este adevarat ca primesti inapoi echivalentul efortului depus.Muncesc pana nu mai pot.Si atat de mult am lucrat la acel album.
"One of my favorite songs to record of all of my recordings as a solo
artist is probably "The Girl is Mine", because working with Paul
McCartney was pretty ex... exciting. And we just literally had fun. It
was like lots of kibitzing and playing and throwing stuff at each other
and making jokes. It was just a lot of fun, and we actually recorded the
track and the vocals pretty much live at the same time, and we do have
footage of it, but it's never been shown. Maybe one day we'll give you
a sneak preview of it."
Unul dintre cantecele mele favorite pe care le-am inregistrat dintre toate facute ca si artist solo este probabil "The girl is mine" Sa lucrez cu Paul McCartney a fost foarte intersant.Si ne-am distrat de minune.A fost multa joaca , aruncam lucruri unul in celalalt si faceam glume.A fost foarte distractiv, am inregistrat piesa si vocile de multe ori in acelasi timp si avem filmari dar nu au fost niciodata aratate.Poate intr-o zi o sa va aratam putin"
"I think the most fun short film or video that I've ever made had to be
"Thriller". I just loooooved becoming a monster (laughs) because it
gave me a chance to pretty much become someone else. It was just fun
hiding behind this mask and just really letting this part of you, your body
or your feelings out, but hiding behind a different character. And it was
just thrilling for me to make that. And the dance, and all the morphing,
and all the fun things that we did...it's so memorable."
"Cred ca cel mai amuzant mini-film pe care l-am facut vreodata este Thriller.Mi-a placut la nebunie sa devin un monstru pentru ca mi-a dat o sansa sa fiu altcineva.A fost distractiv sa ma ascund in spatele mastii si sa lasi partea asta din tine,corpul si sentimentele sa se dezvaluie,dar ascunderea in spatele altui personaj.Si a fost incitant pentru mine sa fac asta.Si dansul, toate transformarile,toate lucrurile distractive pe care le-am facut...le voi tine mereu minte"
"When I was very little, around 10 years old, I used to go on these tours with my brothers, The Jackson Five, and I'd hear these crazy stories that (laughs) these girls would claim my brothers had relationships with them, which they didn't and that they were going to have their children. And I thought that to be so strange and so crazy.
And then, a couple of years later, there was this girl, named Billie Jean,who used to stand outside my gate. And I would drive outside the gate and she would say "Here's the keys to our car" and she would say "Here's the keys to the front door" She would say that I am actually the
father of her child, which never ever happened... And that inspired the song cause the chorus goes "Billie Jean is not my lover, she's just the one who claims that I am the one, but the kid is not my son"
"Cand eram mic,cam 10 ani,mergeam in turnee cu fratii mei.jackson five si auzeam povestile astea nebunesti.fetele astea spuneau ca fratii mei avusesera relatii cu ele,ceea ce nu era adevarat,ca vor avea copii lor.Si mi s-a parut ciudat si nebunesc.
Apoi,cativa ani mai tarziu,era fata asta, Billie Jean,care statea in fata casei mele.Cand ieseam afara ,ea spunea "uite cheile de la masina noastra" sau "uite cheile de la usa din fata".Spunea ca sunt tatal copilului ei,ceea ce nu era adevarat.Si asta m-a inspirat pentru cantec ,pentru ca refrenul este "Billie Jean nu este iubita mea,e doar cea care spune ca eu sunt,dar copilul nu este fiul meu"
Quincy's wife Peggy brought home some lingerie called "Preety young things" and Quincy,said that would be a good title for a song
Sotia lui Quincy,Peggy a cumparat odata lenjerie numita "Preety Young Things" si Quincy s-a gandit ca ar fi un titlu bun pentru un cantec.
"What gave rise to 'Thriller' was that the time, was pretty much disappointed and hurt - I lived in an area called Encino, and I used to see signs of graffiti saying "Disco Sucks" and "Disco is this" and "Disco is that" and disco was just a happy medium of making people dance at the time, but it was so popular, that the uh, um, society was turning against it. I said, I'm just going to do a great album, because I love, uhem, the album Tchaikovsky did, The Nutcracker Suite, it's an album where every song is like a great song. I said I wanted to do an album where every song is like a hit record, and that's what pretty much the hit, 'Thriller' spawn from that. And I did that album and it made, er, all time history, the Guinness Book of World Records proclaimed that it was the largest selling album of all time and it's still to this day and I'm, um, I would say that it was a pinnacle, that was a, I'd reached a certain zenith point, I would think, but I still wasn't er, pleased after that, I was always wanting to do more, wanting to do more."
"Ce a dat nastere la Thriller,a fost ca pe atunci eram dezamagit si ranit-locuiam intr-o zona numita Encino,si vedeam semne de grafitti spunand "Disco e o porcarie" si "Disco e asa" si "Disco e asta" si disco era doar o ambianta vesela care ii facea pe oameni sa danseze tot timpul,dar era atat de populara ca societatea se intorcea impotriva ei.Mi-am spus,o sa fac un album grozav,pentru ca ador albumul lui Tchaikovsky,Spargatorul de nuci.este un album unde fiecare cantec este reusit.Am spus ca vreau sa fac un album unde fiecare cantec este ca un hit,si cam din asta a luat nastere Thriller.Si am facut albumul care a facut istorie.Guiness Book of World Records l-a proclamat cel mai bine vandut album al tuturor timpurilor si asa a ramas pana in ziua de azi,si as spune ca a fost un apogeu,am atins un punct culminant,as crede,dar nu eram multumit totusi dupa asta,mereu vroiam sa fac mai mult,sa fac mai mult."
Wanna Be Startin' Somethin'
Baby Be Mine
The Girl Is Mine
Beat It
Billie Jean
Human Nature
P.Y.T. (Pretty Young Thing)
The Lady in My Life
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