"My brothers and I decided to form our own production company, and we began thinking about names to call it.
You don't find many articles about peacocks in the newspaper, but around this time I found the only one that mattered. I had always thought peacocks were beautiful and had admired one that Berry Gordy had at one of his homes.
So when I read the article, which had an accompanying picture of a peacock, and revealed a great deal about the bird's characteristics, I was excited.
I thought I might have found the image we were looking for. It was an in-depth piece, a little dry in places, but interesting. The writer said that the peacock's full plumage would explode only when it was in love, and then all the colours would shine - all the colours of the rainbow on one body. I was immediately taken with that beautiful image and the meaning behind it. That bird's plumage conveyed the message I was looking for to explain the Jacksons and our intense devotion to one another, as well as our multifaceted interests.
My brothers liked the idea, so we called our new company Peacock Productions, to sidestep the trap of relying too heavily on the Jackson name. Our first world tour had focused our interest in uniting people of all races through music. Some people we knew wondered what we meant when we talked about uniting all the races through music -after all, we were black musicians. Our answer was "music is colour-blind."
We saw that every night, especially in Europe and the other parts of the world we had visited. The people we met there loved our music. It didn't matter to them what colour our skin was or which country we called home."
"Fratii mei si cu mine am decis sa ne facem propria firma de productie si am inceput sa ne gandim la un nume. Nu se gasesc multe articole despre pauni in ziare,dar la acea vreme am gasit exact cel care conta.Inotdeauna paunii mi s-au parut frumosi si imi placea cel care se afla in una dintre casele lui Berry Gordy.
Cand am citit articolul,care insotit de o poza cu un paun, descria multe lucruri despre pasare,mi s-a parut interesant.Am crezut ca este posibil sa fi gasit imaginea pe care o cautam.Era un articol complex,cam inconsistent pe alocuri,dar interesant.Autorul spunea ca penele paunului se deschid in totalitate cand este indragostit,si atunci toate culorile stralucesc-toate culorile curcubeului pe un singur corp. Am fost impresionat de aceasta imagine frumoasa si semnificatia ei.Penajul pasarilor continea acest mesaj pe care il cautam pentru a explica The Jacksons si atasamentul puternic, unul fata de celelalt,cat si interesele noastre variate.
Fratilor mei le-a placut idea,asa ca ne-am denumit noua firma Peacock Productions,pentru a evita capcana de a ne fi bazat prea mult pe numele de Jackson.Primul nostru turneu in jurul lumii s-a bazat pe dorinta noastra de a uni oamenii de toate rasele prin muzica.Unii cunoscuti s-au intrebat ce vroiam sa spunem cand ne refeream la uniunea tuturor raselor prin muzica-pana la urma,eram cantareti de culoare.Raspunsul nostru "muzica nu are culoare".
Vedeam asta in fiecare noapte,in special in Europa si in alte parti ale lumii pe care le-am vizitat.Oamenii pe care i-am intalnit acolo,iubeau muzica noastra.Pentru ei nu conta ce culoare avea pielea noastra sau care tara o consideram casa."
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