"What one wishes is to be touched by truth and to be able to interpret that truth so that one may use what one is feeling and experiencing, be it despair or joy, in a way that will add meaning to one's life and will hopefully touch others as well.
This is art in its highest form. Those moments of enlightenment are what I continue to live for."
"Ceea ce doreste o persoana este sa fie atinsa de adevar,si sa-l redea astfel incat cel care il primeste sa se poata folosi de el,de ceea ce simte si traieste acea persoana,fie disperare sau bucurie,sa-i dea un sens vietii si sa atinga mai departe si pe altii.
Aceasta este arta in culmile sale cele mai inalte.Momentele acestea de revelatie sunt cele pentru care continui sa traiesc"
"My favorite music is an eclectic mix. For example, I love classical music. I'm crazy about Debussy. Prelude to the Afternoon of a Faun and Clair de Lune . And Prokofiev. I could listen to Peter and the Wolf over and over and over again. Copland is one of my all-time favorite composers. You can recognize his distinctive brass sounds right away. Billy the Kid is fabulous. I listen to a lot of Tchaikovsky. The Nutcracker Suite is a favorite. I have a large collection of show tunes also - Irving Berlin, Johnny Mercer, Lerner and Loewe, Harold Arlen, Rodgers and Hammerstein, and the great Holland-Dozier-Holland. I really admire those guys. I like Mexican food very much. I'm a vegetarian, so fortunately fresh fruits and vegetables are a favorite of mine.
I love toys and gadgets. I like to see the latest things manufacturers have come out with. If there's something really wonderful, I'll buy one.
I'm crazy about monkeys, especially chimps. My chimp Bubbles is a constant delight. I really enjoy taking him with me on trips or excursions. He's a wonderful distraction and a great pet."
"Muzica mea favorita este foarte diversa.Imi place muzica clasica.Imi place la nebunie Debussy.Prelude to the Afternoon of a Faun si Clair de Lune.Si Prokofiev.As putea sa tot reascult Peter and the Wolf.Copland este compozitorul meu preferat.Ii poti recunoaste sunetele cristaline imediat.Billie the Kid este genial.Ascult foarte mult Tchaikovsky.The Nutcracker Suite este favorita mea.Am o colectie mare de cantece de spectacol-Irving Berlin,Lerner si Loewe,Harold Arlen,Rodgers si Hammerstein,si marele Holland-Dozier-Holland.Ii admir tare mult.Imi place mancarea mexicana.Sunt vegetarian,asa ca din fericire,fructele si legumele proaspete sunt printre preferatele mele.
Imi plac jucariile si masinariile.Imi place sa aflu care sunt ultimele noutati cu care vin producatorii.Daca e ceva intradevar reusit,il cumpar.
Imi plac mult maimutele,in special cimpanzeii.Imi place sa stau cu cimpanzeul meu Bubbles.Il iau cu mine in calatorii sau excursii.Ma distrez cu el si este un animal grozav."
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