Captain Eo came about because the Disney Studios wanted me to come up with a new ride for the parks. They said they didn't care what I did, as long as it was something creative. I had this big meeting with them, and during the course of the afternoon I told them that Walt Disney was a hero of mine and that I was very interested in Disney's history and philosophy. I wanted to do something with that Mr. Disney himself would have approved. I had read a number of books about Walt Disney and his creative empire, and it was very important to me to do things as he would have. In the end, they asked me to do a movie and I agreed. I told them I would like to work with George Lucas and Steven Spielberg. It turned out Steven was busy, so George brought Francis Ford Coppola and that was the Captain Eo team.
I flew up to San Francisco a couple of times to visit George at his place, Skywalker Ranch, and gradually we came up with a scenario for a short film that would incorporate every recent advance in 3-D technology. Caption Eo would look and feel like the audience was in a spaceship, along for the ride.
Captain Eo is about transformation and the way music can help to change the world. George came up with the name Captain Eo. (Eo is Greek for "dawn.") The story is about a young guy who goes on a mission to this miserable planet run by an evil queen. He is entrusted with the responsibility of bringing the inhabitants light and beauty. It's a great celebration of good over evil.
Working on Captain Eo reinforced all the positive feelings I've had about working in film and made me realize more than ever that movies are where my future path probably lies. I love the movies and have since I was real little. For two hours you can be transported to another place. Films can take you anywhere. That's what I like. I can sit down and say, "Okay, nothing else exists right now. Take me to a place that's wonderful and make me forget about my pressures and my worries and day-to-day schedule."
"Captain Eo a luat nastere pentru ca Studiourile Disney vroiau sa gasesc o noua distractie pentru parcuri.Au spus ca nu conteaza ce voi face,cat timp este ceva creativ.Am avut o intalnire importanta cu ei,si in timpul dupamiezii le-am spus ca Walt Disney este eroul meu si ma preocupa viata si filozofia lui.Vroiam sa fac ceva cu care Domnul Disney ar fi fost deacord.Am citit multe carti despre Walt Disney si imperiul sau de creatie si era foarte important pentru mine sa fac lucrurile cum ar fi vrut el sa le faca.In final,m-au rugat sa fac un film si am acceptat.Le-am spus ca as vrea sa lucrez cu George Lucas si Steven Spielberg>Steven era ocupat,asa ca George l-a adus pe Francis Ford Coppola si asta era echipa Captain Eo.
Am zburat de cateva ori la San Francisco sa-l vizitez acasa pe George,Ferma Skywalker,si am facut un scenariu pentru un mini-film care va include si tehnologie avansata 3D.Captain Eo o sa arate si o sa dea senzatia ca si cum audienta ar fi intr-o nava,pe timpul calatoriei calatoriei.
Captain Eo se refera la transformare si cum muzica poate ajuta la schimbarea lumii.George a propus numele de Captain Eo (Eo inseamna in greaca zori de zi) Este povestea unui tanar care porneste intr-o misiune pe o planeta groaznica condusa de o regina malefica.Ii este incredintata responsabilitatea de aduce locuitorilor lumina si frumusete.Este o celebrare mareata a triumfului binelui asupra raului.
Lucrand la Captain Eo,mi-am intarit convingerea ca ar trebui sa lucrez in domeniul filmului si m-a facut sa realizez ca viitorul meu se duce in aceasta directie.Ador filmele de cand eram destul de mic.Pentru doua ore esti trimis in alt loc.Filmele te pot duce oriunde.De aceea imi plac.Pot sa stau jos si sa spun"Acum nimic altceva nu mai exista.Du-ma intr-un loc minunat si fa-ma sa uit de presiuni,griji si programul de zi cu zi."
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