"And who gave you the right to scare my family
Si cine ti-a dat dreptul sa imi sperii familia
And who gave you the right to scare my baby
Si cine ti-a dat dreptul sa imi sperii iubita
She needs me Are nevoie de mine
And who gave you the right to shake my family tree
Si cine ti-a dat dreptul sa intervii in familia mea
And who gave you the right to make intrusion to see me
Si cine ti-a dat dreptul sa apari nepoftit ca sa ma vezi
You put a knife in my backMi-ai pus cutitul la spate
Shot an arrow in me Ai aruncat cu o sageata in mine
Tell me are you the ghost of jealousy Spune-mi esti fantoma geloziei
A suckin’ ghost of jealousy O fantoma disturgatoare a geloziei
I’m gonna be
Exactly what you wanna see Voi fi exact ceea ce vreti sa vedeti
It’s you who’s taunting me Voi ma vanati
Because you’re wanting me Pentru ca ma vreti
To be the stranger in the night Sa fiu strainul din noapte
Am I amusing you Va amuz
Or just confusing you Sau va simtiti confuzi
Am I the beast you visualized Sunt bestia pe care ati vizualizat-o
And if you wanna see
Eccentric oddities Daca vreti sa vedeti ciudatenii excentrice
I’ll be grotesque before your eye O sa fiu grotesc in fata voastra
Let them all materialize Lasa-ti le sa se materializeze
But if you came to see Dar daca ati venit sa vedeti
The truth, the purity Adevarul puritatea
It’s here inside a lonely heart Este aici inauntrul unei inimii singuratice
So let the performance start Sa inceapa spectacolul"
" I let the song pretty much speak to me and I get in a room and I pretty much start making notes... You know, I'll speak to a writer -- like Stephen King and myself, both of us wrote Ghosts, the short film Ghosts, and we just on the telephone started writing it and let it create itself and go where it wants to go. But we try to do things that are very unusual. And it's... it's not an easy thing to do because you have to time it with the song, and you can't spend too much time, and the special effects can take 5 months sometimes to execute. So, it's just .. .it's kinda difficult thing and the record company's saying, "Come on, come on, come on, we have to go, we have to go." So, I understand. So we try to do the best we can in the amount of time that we can execute it in."
"Las cantecul sa imi vorbeasca,merg in camera si incep sa scriu note muzicale.Sti,vorbeam cu un producator-ca Stephen King si cu mine,amandoi am scris Ghosts,mini filmul Ghosts,si am inceput sa-l scriem la telefon si l-am lasat sa se autocreeze si sa se duca in ce directie vrea.Dar am incercat sa facem lucruri mai neobisnuite.Si nu este usor de facut,trebuie sincronizare cu cantecul,si nu poti sa-i acorzi prea mult timp,si efectele speciale cateodata dureaza 5 luni ca sa fie gata.Este greu...compania de discuri spune "haideti haideti,trebuie sa-i dam drumul" Asa ca inteleg.Asa ca dam tot ce putem mai bun in timpul pe care il avem la dispozitie."
Blood on the Dance Floor
Superfly Sister
Is It Scary
HIStory (Tony Moran's HIStory Lesson)
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