"Ever since I was a little boy, I had
dreamed of creating the biggest-selling record of all time. I remember going
swimming as a child and making a wish before I jumped into the pool.
I grew up knowing the industry, understanding goals, and being
told what was and was not possible. I wanted to do something special. I'd
stretch my arms out, as if I were sending my thoughts right up into space.
I'd make my wish, then I'd dive into the water. I'd say to myself, "This is
my dream. This is my wish," every time before I'd dive into the water.
I believe in wishes and in a person's ability to make a wish come true. I
really do. Whenever I saw a sunset, I would quietly make my secret wish
right before the sun tucked under the western horizon and disappeared. It
would seem as if the sun had taken my wish with it. I'd make it right before
that last speck of light vanished. And a wish is more than a wish, it's a
goal. It's something your conscious and subconscious can help make reality."
"De cand eram mic,am visat sa creez cel mai bine vandut album din toate timpurile.Imi amintesc cand mergeam sa inot,imi puneam o dorinta inainte sa sar in piscina. Am crescut cunoscand industria,intelegand telurile,si mi s-a spus ce era si ce nu era posibil.Cu bratele larg deschise,ca si cum imi trimiteam gandurile sus,direct in spatiu.Imi puneam o dorinta,si apoi plonjam in apa.Imi spuneam,acesta este dorinta mea,de fiecare data, inainte sa fac asta. Cred in dorinte si in abilitatea unei persoane de a face o dorinta sa devina adevarata.Chiar cred.De cate ori vad un apus de soare,imi pun incet dorinta secreta chiar inainte ca soarele sa intre sub linia orizontului vestic si sa dispara.Asa parea ca soarele a luat dorinta mea cu el.Mi-o puneam chiar inainte ca ultima raza de lumina sa dispara.Si o dorinta e mai mult decat atat,este un scop.E ceva pe care constientul si subconstientul tau pot transforma in realitate."
"I believe we are powerful, but we don't use our minds to full capacity. Your
mind is powerful enough to help you attain whatever you want."
'Cred ca suntem puternici dar nu ne folosim mintea la intreaga capacitate.Mintea ta este atat de puternica incat te poate ajuta sa obti orice vrei."
"It's staggering what a person can do if they only try.
If you're under pressure, play off that pressure and use it to advantage and make
whatever you're doing better."
'Este uimitor ce poate face o persoana,daca doar incearca. Daca esti sub presiune,trebuie sa o ignori si sa o folosesti in avantajul tau si sa imbunatatesti ceea ce faci."
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