"Love is a funny thing to describe. It's so easy to feel and yet so slippery to talk about. It's like a bar of soap in the bathtub.You have it in your hand until you hold on too tight.
Some people spend their lives looking for love outside themselves.
They think they have to grasp it in order to have it. But loves slips away like that wet bar of soap.
Holding on to love is not wrong, but you need to learn to hold it lightly, caressingly. Let it fly when it wants. When it's allowed to be free, love is what makes life alive, joyful, and new.
It's the juice and energy that motivates my music, my dancing, everything.
As long as love is in my heart, it's everywhere."
"Dragostea este un sentiment hazliu.Este atat de usor de simtit si atat de greu de descris.Este asemeni unui sapun in cada.O ai pana te tii prea strans de ea.
Unii oameni isi petrec viata cautand dragostea in exterior.Cred ca trebuie sa nu-i dea drumul deloc pentru a o avea.Dar dragostea se scurge,precum acel sapun ud.
Sa ti strans de dragoste nu este gresit,dar trebuie sa faci asta usor,ca o mangaiere.Las-o sa fie libera cand vrea.Cand este libera,iubirea animeaza viata,o transforma fericire si noutate.
Este esenta si energia care imi inspira muzica,dansul,totul.
Cat timp iubirea este in inima mea,este pretutindeni."
The Lady In My Life
There'll be no darkness tonight
Nu va fi intuneric noaptea asta
Lady our love will shine
Dragostea noastra va straluci
Just put your trust in my heart
Increde-te in inima mea
And meet me in paradise
Sa ne intalnim in paradis.
You're every wonder in this world to me
Esti o minune pentru mine
A treasure time won't steal away
O comoara pe care timpul nu o sa mi-o ia
So listen to my heart
Asa ca asculta-mi inima
Lay your body next to mine
Aseaza-te langa mine
Let me fill you with my dreams
Lasa-ma sa iti impartasesc visele mele
I can make you feel so right
Sa te fac sa te simti bine
And baby through the years
Si iubito de-a lungul anilor
Gonna love you more each day
Te voi iubi mai mult cu fiecare zi ce trece
So I promise you tonight
Asta seara iti promit
That you'll always be the lady in my life
Mereu vei fi doamna din viata mea.
And I will keep you warm
Si o sa pastrez caldura
Through the shadows of the night
Prin umbrele noptii
Let me touch you with my love
Lasa-ma sa te ating cu dragostea mea
I can make you feel so right
Pot sa te fac sa te simti atat de bine
And baby through the years
Si iubito cu trecerea anilor
Even when we're old and gray
Chiar daca vom fi batrani si cu parul alb
I will love you more each day
O sa te iubesc din ce in ce mai mult
'Cause you'll always be the lady in my life
Mereu vei fi,doamna din viata mea.
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