Notiunea de rege.Semnificatie banala.
Inainte sa fi rege,ai fost print.Ai inceput cu o inima,cu doua si le-ai cucerit pe toate.
Inima pamantului bate pentru tine.L-ai ingrijit.Ti-ai aratat afectiunea.I-ai protejat copiii.Ti-a pasat.
Acum esti rege.Al inimii mele.Al inimii noastre.
Michael Jackson:Before he was king
by Todd Gray
"Michael showed me his newly finished private theater, complete with plush red velvet seats. I thought his blue sweater would complement the deep red, and I asked him to take a seat and pretend as if he were watching a movie. “Which movie?” he asked. I said, “It doesn’t matter. Any movie will do.” But Michael insisted: “Todd, you’ve got to tell me which movie I’m supposed to be watching if you want a reaction from me.” O.K., what about a Charlie Chaplin comedy, I suggested. “Which one?” Michael asked. “He’s made so many, you know.” My mind went blank; luckily, my assistant shouted out, “Modern Times.” Michael responded, “O.K., which part?” Exasperated, I said, “Michael, it’s a comedy, just laugh!” It was getting late and we were all tired and a little punchy, but Michael was having fun with all of this. “Well,” he began, “if you want me to laugh, then you have to tell me a joke. But you said you wanted me to act like I’m watching a movie. Which is it you want?” Finally I gave up and made a ridiculous clown face, which made him laugh."
"Michael mi-a aratat teatrul privat recent terminat, cu scaune din catifea rosie.M-am gandit ca puloverul sau albastru ar merge cu rosul puternic,si l-am rugat sa ia loc si sa stea ca si cum ar urmari un film."ce film?" a intrebat el.Am spus "nu conteaza" Orice film e bun.Dar Michael a insistat."Todd,trebuie sa-mi spui la ce film se presupune ca ma uit daca vrei sa am o reactie."OK,ce zici de o comedie de Charlie Chaplin,am sugerat eu."Care?" a intrebat Michael."A facut multe."Atunci nu mai stiam ce sa zic.Am avut noroc cu un asisten care a strigat "Timpuri moderne" Michael a raspuns "Ok,care parte?" Satul,am spus "Michael,e o comedie,razi!" Era deja tarziu si eram toti obositi si stresati sar Michael se distra pe tema asta." Ei bine" a inceput el,"daca vrei sa ma faci sa rad,atunic trebuie sa imi spui o gluma".Dar ai spus ca vrei sa ma comport ca si cum as urmari un film.Pe care vrei?"Intr-un final am renuntat si am facut o fata de claun ridicola,care l-a facut sa rada."
"From early on, I saw how dedicated Michael was to work. He worked nearly all the time and rarely seemed to relax. A great deal of time was spent in the recording studio—the Jacksons’ intense focus on creating a flawless product helped make them the success that they became, and Michael was clearly the most focused, hardest-working member of the group. While in the mixing booth, making technical adjustments and working the board with the engineers, he would whisper instructions to his brothers about a vocal arrangement, whispering not because the instructions were secret, but because he was shy and didn’t like to yell out his ideas."
"Inca de tanar,am vazut cat de dedicat era Michael muncii sale.Muncea aproape tot timpul si foarte rar se relaxa.Mare parte din timp o petrecea la studioul de inregistrari.Concentrarea intensa a Jacksonilor de a creea un proiect fara defecte i-a ajutat sa aiba succes si Michael era cu siguranta,cel mai implicat,care muncea din greu dintre toti membri grupului.Cand era in cabina de mixaj,facand aranjamente tehnice si lucrand la scena cu inginerii,soptea instructiunile fratilor sai despre un aranjament vocal,dar nu facea asta pentru ca erau secrete,ci pentru ca era timid si nu vroia sa se auda tare ce idei avea."
"Michael was a very special individual.I was never able to figure him out completely,although,at times,i mistakenly thought that i had.I realise now that there was always something elusive about him,something unreachable.Now i understand that he was a man-child who sensed that the secret to his creativity was to mantain his youthful,loving innocence.I am thankful that Michael exposed me to a work ethic that i maintain to this day.Whenever i'm tired and unwilling to perform at my highest level,i ask myself,"Would MJ compromise? Would MJ turn in sub-par work?" Of course the answer is no.I remind myself of this and summon the will to push on and do my best."
"Michael era deosebit.Niciodata nu am putut sa il cunosc pe deplin,cateodata,am avut impresia gresita ca am facut asta.Realizez acum ca avea ceva misterios,de neatins.Acum inteleg ca era un copil-barbat care si-a dat seama ca secretul creativitatii sale este sa isi pastreze inocenta tanara si iubitoare.Ii sunt recunoscator lui Michael pentru ca mi-a aratat o etica de munca pe care o pastrez si in ziua de astazi.De cate ori sunt obosit si nu am vointa sa dau tot ce pot mai bun,ma intreb" "Ar face MJ compromisuri?" "Ar lasa Michael ceva pe jumatate facut?" Desigur,raspunsul este nu.Imi amintesc de asta si fac apel la vointa mea,sa continui si sa fac totul cat pot de bine."
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