"This is it, here I stand
Asta este ,stau aici
I'm the light of the world, I feel grand
Sunt lumina lumii,ma simt maret
Got this love I can feel
Am dragostea pe care o simt
And I know yes for sure it is real
Si stiu sigur ca e adevarata"
"It's an adventure,it's a great adventure!There's nothing to be nervous about.
E o aventurã,e o aventurã grozavã!Nu trebuie sã aveti emotii.
They just want wonderfull experiences,they want escapism!
Ei vor experiente minunate,vor sa se relaxeze!
We want to take them places that they've never been before
Vrei sa-i purtam in locuri in care nu au mai fost inainte
We want to show them talent like they've never seen before
Vrem sa le aratam talente cum nu au mai vazut inainte
So give your allI .love you all and we're a familly
Asa ca dati tot ce puteti mai bun.Va iubesc pe toti si suntem o familie.
And to bring love back in to the world,to remind the world that love is important We love eachother.We're all one.
Si sa aducem dragostea inapoi in lume,sa amintim oamenilor ca dragostea e importanta.Ne iubim.Suntem unul.
And take care of the planet We have four years to get it right,or else, it's ireversable,the damage.
Si aveti grija de planeta.Avem patru ani ca sa rezolvam totul altfel pagubele sunt ireversibile.
We have an important message to give!
Avem un mesaj important de dat mai departe!"
Sinceritatea in ochii unui copil.In cuvinte.
"Michael Jackson was the nicest person i met"
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