joi, 1 aprilie 2010
Sa descriu in cuvinte,probabil nu le-as gasi.Arta se descopera prin simturi.Totul trece prin prisma inimii.Este o poveste.Povestea lui.
Break of Dawn
Heaven can wait
You Rock my world
2000 watts
You are my life
Don't walk away
The lost children
Whatever happens
"Well, invincible is something of... I think it's a proper name. It's one of the cuts on the album and I've been an artist.. uh, not to pat myself on the back but the Guinness Book of World Records just listed me, uh, another time, as the artist who's had the longest stretch career 'cause since I was a little, little kid to this point with still hit records from number one records, and uh, I'm so proud and honored that I've been chosen from the Heavens, or whatever it is, to be Invincible, and to just continue to grow and to be, you know... serve the people. It serves the people with wonderful entertainment"
Of all my albums I would say this one was the toughest. 'Cause I was hardest on myself. Uh, I wrote so many songs, I don't want to say the number, just to get to uh, how many are on there, 16? Just to get to the 16 that I think are acceptable. And, um, it's the album where... I didn't have children before other albums, so I caught a lot of colds; I was sick a lot. Cause my children got [interruption from host]. So we had to stop and start again and stop and start and... constantly. But I enjoyed it very, very much.
My favorite song on the new album. Can I pick two? I'll pick three.
Unbreakable('Cause, uh, I' m one of the few people, probably in show business, that have been through the ins and outs, you know, of so many different things. Um, I've been through hell and back. I have, to be honest, and uh, and still I'm able to do what I do and nothing can stop me. No one can stop me, no matter what. I stop when I'm ready to stop. You know, and uh, I'm just saying, you know, I will continue to move forward no matter what.
Speechless ( You'll be surprised. I was with these kids in Germany, and we had a big water-balloon fight - I'm serious - and I was so happy after the fight that I ran upstairs in their house and wrote "Speechless". Fun inspires me. I hate to say that, because it's such a romantic song. But it was the fight that did it. I was happy, and I wrote it in it's entirety right there. I felt it would be good enough for the album. Out of the bliss comes magic, wonderment, and creativity.")
The Lost Children.( We should forge and create a children's day, a celebration Internationally, where children are honored. Where parents can take their children to the movies or to the toy store or to the park. And that, alone, will create a bonding. Because the family bond has been broken. They don't eat with their children or speak to their children much anymore, or mother their children. And I would love to see a celebration for children. Children's Day; a holiday. We have Mothers Day, Fathers Day -- no Children's day. And, uh, I would love when I come to town just to see them sing songs, or a parade or something. I would love that)
"Whoever said that said the right word when they said said "short films." And uh, that's what we try to make them, short films: a beginning and middle and a ending of a story. Uh, to take the medium to a new level but absolutely. There's like a an array of, an encyclopedia of just great short films to make from the album. It's very exciting. I can't wait to do Threatened. It's a kind of scary one with Rod Serling from the Twilight Zone. I can't wait to get my hands on that one."
"Ei bine,invincible este ceva..cred ca este un nume potrivit.Este una dintre partile albumului si eu am fost un nu ca sa ma laud,dar Guiness Book of World Records m-a inclus,in alta vreme,ca artistul care a avut cea mai lunga cariera,de cand am fost mic pana acum am avut hituri,si sunt atat de mandru si onorat ca am fost ales din Ceruri,sau dde oriunde porneste asta,sa fiu Invincibil,sa continui sa cresc si sa ajut oamenii.Sa-i ajut cu performante minunate.
Dintre toate albumele,pot spune ca asta a fost cel mai greu."pentru ca am fost foarte sever cu mine insumi.Am scris atat de multe cantece,nu vreau sa spun numarul,doar ca sa ajung la..cate sunt acolo,16?doar ca sa ajung la 16 care mi se par acceptabile.Si este albumul am avut copii inainte la alte albume,asa ca am racit de multe ori.Am fost bolnav.Pentru ca si copiii mei erau.Asa ca trebuia sa ne oprim si sa incepem iar si sa ne oprim si iar sa asa mereu.Dar mi-a placut mult,foarte mult.
Cantecul meu favorit de pe album?Pot sa aleg doua?O sa aleg trei.
Unbreakable (Pentru ca sunt unul dintre putinii oameni,probabil in show business,care au trecut prin suisuri si coborasuri,sti,prin atatea lucruri.Am fost in iad si inapoi.Trebuie sa fiu sincer,si inca mai pot face ceea ce fac si nimic nu ma poate opri.Indiferent ce este,nimeni nu ma poate opri.Ma opresc cand sunt gata sa fac asta.Sti,spun doar,o sa continui sa merg mai departe,orice ar fi.
Speechless (O sa fi surprins,eram cu niste copiii in Germania,si am avut o bataie grozava cu baloane cu apa-vorbesc serios-si eram asa de fericit dupa ca am fugit sus in in casa si am scris Speechless,Distractia ma inspira.Nu-mi place sa spun asta,pentru ca este un cantec atat de romantic.Dar a pornit de la bataia cu apa.Eram fericit si esenta lui se gaseste acolo.Am simtit ca o sa fie destul de bun pentru album.Din frumusete vin magia,minunatiile si creativitatea )
The Lost Children ((Ar trebui sa ne mobilizam si sa creem o zi a opilului,o sarbatoare internationala,unde sunt celebrati copiii.Cand parintii isi pot duce copiii la filme,la magazine de jucarii sau in parc.Si asta va creea o legatura.Pentru ca unitatea familiala a fost rupta.Nu mai mananca sau vorbesc cu copiii lor,sau mamele cu copiii.Si mi-ar placea mult sa fie o sarbatoare pentru copii.Ziua copiilor.Avem Ziua mamei,Ziua tatalui-dar nu avem Ziua copilului.)
"Cine a spus asta,este cuvantul potrivit,mini-filme.Si asa incercam sa le facem,mini-filme: Inceput,continut si finalul unei povesti.Sa ducem totul la un nou nivel,cel mai inalt.Este o intreaga enciclopedie de mini-filme pe care le vom face pentru album.Este foarte interesant.De abia astept sa fac unul pentru Threatened.Este unul de groaza cu Rod Serling din Twilight Zone.De abia astept sa ma apuc de el."
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