"Think about the generations, and say we wanna make it a better
place for our children and our children’s children, so that they...
They, they... They know it’s a better world for them.
And think if they can make it a better place..."
"Ganditi-va la generatii,si spuneti ,noi vrem sa facem o lume mai buna pentru copiii nostri si pentru copiii copiilor nostri pentru ca ei..sa stie ca e o lume mai buna pentru ei.Si sa se gandeasca daca o pot face un loc mai bun.."
We could fly so high
Am putea sa zburam atat de sus
Let our spirits never die
Sa ne lasam spiritele sa traiasca pentru totdeauna
In my heart I feel you are all my brothers
In inima mea simt ca toti sunteti fratii mei
Create a world with no fear
Creati o lume fara teama
Together we’ll cry happy tears
Impreuna vom plange lacrimi de fericire
See the nations turn their swords into plowshares
Vazand natiunile cum dau razboiul pe pace*
*In expressions like "beating swords into plowshares" the sword is a metaphor for(symbolises) war and the plowshare is a metaphor for peace.*
Heal the world
Vindecati lumea
Make it a better place
Faceti-o un loc mai bun
For you and for me
Pentru tine si pentru mine
And the entire human race
Si intreaga rasa umana
There are people dying
Sunt oameni care mor
If you care enough for the living
Daca chiar iti pasa de cei care traiesc
Make a better place
Fa un loc mai bun
For you and for me
Pentru tine si pentru mine
Heal the world we live in
Vindecati lumea in care traim
Save it for our children
Salvati-o pentru copiii nostri
On Children of the World
We have to heal our wounded world. The chaos, despair, and senseless
destruction we see today are a result of the alienation that people
feel from each other and their environment. Often this alienation has
its roots in an emotionally deprived childhood. Children have had
their childhood stolen from them. A child's mind need the nourishment
of mystery, magic, wonder, and excitement. I want my work to help
people rediscover the child that's hiding in them.
Despre copiii lumii
Trebuie sa ne vindecam lumea ranita.Haosul,disperarea si distrugerile fara rost pe care le vedem azi sunt rezultatul indepartarii oamenilor unul fata de celelalt si fata de mediu.De obicei,aceasta instrainare isi are originea intr-o copilarie lipsita de sentimente.Copiilor le-a fost furata copilaria.Mintea unui copil are nevoie sa fie hranita de mister,magie,minune si distractie.Vreau ca munca mea sa-i ajute pe oameni sa redescopere acel copil care se ascunde in ei."
I wanted to do an album that was like Tchaikovsky's Nutcracker Suite.So that in a thousand years from now,people would still be listening to it.Something that would live forever.I would like to see children and teenagers and parents and all races all over the world,hundreds and hundreds of years from now,still pulling out songs from that album and dissecting it.I want it to live.
Am vrut sa fac un album asemeni Spargatorului de nuci a lui Tchaikovsky.Inca o suta de ani de acum incolo,oamenii sa-l mai asculte.Ceva care va trai pentru totdeauna.As vrea sa vad copii,adolescenti si parinti si toate rasele din lume,sa ia piese din album si sa le analizeze.Vreau sa traiasca.
I wrote "Will you be there" at my house Neverland, in California...i didn't think about it hard.That's why it's hard to take credit for the songs that i write,because i just always feel that it's done from above.I feel fortunate for beeing that instrument through which music flows.I'm just the source through which it comes.I can't take credit for it because it's God's work.He's just using me as the messenger...
Am scris "Will you be there" acasa,la Neverland,in California...nu m-am gandit prea mult la el.De aceea imi este greu sa recunosc cantecele ca si ale mele,intotdeauna simt ca vine de undeva de sus.Ma simt norocos sa fiu acel instrument prin care muzica pluteste.Sunt sursa prin care apare.Nu pot sa spun ca e a mea pentru ca este munca lui Dumnezeu.Eu sunt doar un mesager...
In one of the pieces of the Dangerous album, i say:
"Life songs of ages,throbbing in my blood,have danced the rythm of the tide and flood".This is a very literal statement,because the same new miracle intervals and biological rythms that sound out of the architecture of my DNA also gouverns the movement of the stars.The same music governs the rythm of the seasons,the pulse of our heartbeats,the migration of birds,the ebb and the flow of ocean tides,the cycles of growth,evolution and dissolution.It's music,it's rythm.And my goal in life is to give to the world what i was lucky to receive:the ecstasy of divine union through my music and my dance.It's like, my purpose,it's what i'm here for."
In una dintre piesele de pe albumul Dangerous,spun:
"Cantecele vietii de veacuri,pulsandu-mi prin sange,au dansat pe ritmul mareei si a revarsarilor".Aceasta este o declaratie adevarata,pentru ca aceleasi momente si ritmuri biologice care rasuna din arhitectura AND-ului meu guverneaza si miscarea stelelor.Aceiasi muzica guverneaza si ritmul anotimpurilor,pulsul batailor inimii,migrarea pasarilor,fluxul si refluxul mareelor,ciclurile cresterii,evolutia si involutia.Este muzica,este ritm.Scopul meu in viata este sa-i dau lumii ceea ce am avut norocul sa primesc:fericirea provocata de uniunea divina dintre muzica si dansul meu.Este ca un scop pentru mine,pentru asta sunt aici."
Jam (featuring Heavy D)
Why You Wanna Trip on Me
. In the Closet
She Drives Me Wild
Remember the Time
Can't Let Her Get Away
Heal The World
Black or White
Who Is It
Give In to Me (featuring Slash on guitar)
Will You Be There (Theme from Free Willy)
Keep The Faith
Gone Too Soon
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