"When you make a film, you're capturing something elusive and you're stopping time. The people, their performances, the story become a thing that can be shared by people all over the world for generations and generations.
When I was transformed into the Scarecrow, it was the most wonderful thing in the world. I got to be somebody else and escape through my character. Kids would come visit the set, and I'd have such fun playing with them and responding to them as the Scarecrow.
Often when I was in front of the camera, trying to do a serious scene, one of the other characters would start making faces at me, trying to crack me up. I had always been drilled in serious professionalism and preparedness and therefore I thought it was a pretty mean thing to do. This actor would know that I had important lines to say that day, yet he would make these really crazy faces to distract me. I felt it was more than inconsiderate and unfair.
My character had plenty to say and to learn. I was propped up on my pole with a bunch of crows laughing at me, while I sang "You Can't Win." The song was about humiliation and helplessness - something that so many people have felt at one time or another - and the feeling that there are people out there who don't actively hold you back as much as they work quietly on your insecurities so that you hold yourself back.
The directions called for me to pull a piece of paper from my straw and read it. It was a quote. The author's name, Socrates, was printed at the end. I had read Socrates, but I had never pronounced his name, so I said, "Soh-crates," because that's the way I had always assumed it was pronounced. There was a moment's silence before I heard someone whisper, "Soh-ruh-teeze.
I smiled, a little embarrassed at having mispronounced the name, and thanked him for his help.
I am especially fond of the scene where Diana asks, "What am I afraid of? Don't know what I'm made of . . ." because I've felt that way many times, even during the good moments of my life. "
"Cand faci un film,imortalizezi ceva fragil si opresti timpul.Oamenii,spectacolele lor,povestea este impartita cu oamenii din toata lumea pentru generatii intregi.
Cand am fost transformat in Sperietoarea de ciori,a fost cel mai minunat lucru din lume.Am putut sa fiu altcineva si sa sa evadez prin personajul meu.Ma distram cu copiii care veneau sa viziteze platourile de filmare si ma adresam lor ca si Sperietoarea de ciori.
De multe ori cand eram in fata camerei,incercand sa joc o scena serioasa,unul dintre persoanje incepea sa se strambe la mine,incercand sa ma faca sa rad.Am fost educat sa lucrez cu profesionalism si pregatire si am crezut ca este foarte urat sa faci asta.Actorul acela stia ca am de spus o replica importanta in acea zi,chiar si asa se stramba pentru a ma distrage.Am simtit ca era lipsa de respect si nedrept.
Personajul meu avea multe de spus si de invatat.Stateam sprijinit de stalpul meu inconjurat de niste ciori care radeau de mine in timp ce eu cantam "Nu poti castiga".Cantecul era despre umilire si neajutorare-ceva ce multi oameni au simtit cateodata-si sentimentul ca sunt unii oameni care nu incearca sa te traga inapoi,ci actioneaza in tacere asupra insecuritatilor tale pentru a te face sa dai singur inapoi.
Scenariul spunea sa scot o bucata de hartie din paiele mele si sa o citesc.Era un citat.Numele autorului,Socrate,aparea la sfarsit.Am auzit de Socrate,dar nu i-am pronuntat niciodata numele asa ca am spus "Soh-crates" pentru ca asa am crezut intotdeauna ca se pronunta.A fost un moment de tacere pana cand am auzit pe cineva soptind "Soh-ruh-teeze" Am zambit,un pic rusinat fiindca i-am gresit numele,si i-am multumit pentru ajutor.
Imi place in special scena cand Diana intreaba "De ce mi-e frica?Nu stiu din ce sunt facut..." pentru ca m-am simtit asa de multe ori,chiar si in momentele bune ale vietii mele."
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