luni, 19 aprilie 2010
In viata toate au o limita.Probabil creata de noi.Pentru el,limita dispare.Pentru el,exista doar dragoste.Daca sti sa o primesti,vei uita de limita.In dragoste,dispare.
duminică, 18 aprilie 2010

It's easy to mistake being innocent for being simpleminded or naive.We all want to seem sophisticated; we all want to seem street-smart.To be innocent is to be "out of it."
Yet there is a deep truth in innocence. A baby looks in his mother's
eyes, and all he sees is love. As innocence fades away, more
complicated things take its place. We think we need to outwit others
and scheme to get what we want. We begin to spend a lot of energy
protecting ourselves. Then life turns into a struggle. People have no
choice but to be street-smart. How else can they survive?
When you get right down to it, survival means seeing things the way
they really are and responding. It means being open. And that's what
innocence is. It's simple and trusting like a child, not judgmental
and committed to one narrow point of view. If you are locked into a
pattern of thinking and responding, your creativity gets blocked. You
miss the freshness and magic of the moment. Learn to be innocent
again, and that freshness never fades.
"Este usor sa interpretezi gresit a fi inocent ca insemnand nu foarte destept sau naiv.
Toti vrem sa parem sofisticati;Toti vrem sa fim smecheri.
A fi inocent inseamna a fi demodat.
Cu toate acestea in inocenta sta un adevar.Un copil se uita in ochii mamei sale si tot ce vede e dragoste.Cand inocenta se duce,lucruri mai complicate ii iau locul.Credem ca e nevoie sa-i pacalim si sa-i depasim pe altii pentru a obtine ce vrem.Incepem sa folosim multa energie pentru a ne autoproteja.Apoi viata se transforma intr-o lupta.Oamenii nu mai au alta alegere decat sa fie smecheri.Cum altfel pot sa supravietuiasca?
Cand te implici cu adevarat,supravietuirea inseamna sa vezi lucrurile cum sunt in realitate si sa ai o reactie.Inseamna sa fi deschis.Asta este inocenta.Este simpla si increzatoare ca un copil,fara a judeca sau a se lega de un anumit punct de vedere.Daca esti prins intr-un anumit tip de gandire si reactie,creativitatea ta se blocheaza.Iti este dor de noutatea si magia momentului.Invata sa fi inocent iar,si tineretea nu va disparea niciodata."
"I just want to say to fans in every corner of the earth, every nationality, every race, every language: I love you from the bottom of my heart./Vreau sa le spun fanilor din fiecare colt al lumii,fiecare nationalitate,fiecare rasa,fiecare limba:Va iubesc din adancul inimii mele."
Michael Jackson
"Fericire inseamna o sanatate buna si o memorie slaba"
Ingrid Bergman
"Fiintele umane cele mai fericite nu poseda mare lucru,ele doar exista"
"Secretul fericirii nu este sa faci ceea ce iti place,ci sa iti placa ceea ce trebuie sa faci"
"Fericirea consta in bucuria realizarilor,in emotia efortului creativ"
Franklin D. Roosevelt
"Toate anotimpurile sunt frumoase pentru cel care poarta fericirea cu sine"
Horace Friess
"Nebunul cauta fericirea la mare departare,inteleptul o cultiva la picioarele sale"
"Nu plange ca s-a terminat,bucura-te ca s-a intamplat"
Gabriel Garcia Marques
"Nu exista cale spre fericire.Fericirea ESTE calea.
"Ce este oare fericirea,daca nu simpla armonie dintre om si viata pe care alege sa o traiasca?"
Albert Camus
"Alergam dupa fericire pana departe,fie pe mare,fie pe uscat;dar fericirea e aici,aproape.
"Ingredientele esentiale ale fericirii-ceva de facut in viata,cineva pe care sa-l iubesti si ceva la care sa speri."
Allan K. Chalmers
"Nimanui n-ar trebui sa i se permita accesul la fericire,daca nu este gata sa o imparta cu cei din jur."
Lord Byron
"Fericirea nu consta in absenta patimilor,ci in a sti sa le stapanesti."
Alfred Tennyson
"Cea mai mare fericire in viata este sa fi convins ca esti iubit."
Victor Hugo
"Toti cautam fericirea in viata.Vietile noastre sunt diferite si totusi,iata,absolut la fel."
Anne Frank
"Nu mai cautati secretul fericirii!El sta in dorinta noastra asidua de a trai.
Leo Buscaglia
"Iata ce este fericirea-sa te contopesti cu ceva cu adevarat maret"
Willa Carter
"Nu exista un tonic mai puternic decat fericirea pe care o gasesti in lucrurile marunte"
Lady Blessington
"Nu poti fi intotdeauna fericit,dar e important sa-i poti face pe altii fericiti"
Proverb chinezesc
"Aminteste-ti intodeauna ca fericirea este un drum,nu o destinatie"
Roy M. Goodman
"Secretul fericirii sta in a-i convinge pe ceilati ca ei sunt cauza fericirii tale."
All Batt
"Fericirea deseori se strecoara pe o usa pe care nu stiai ca ai lasat-o deschisa."
John Barrymore
"Iluziile sunt la fel de necesare fericirii ca si realitatea"
Christian Nestell Bovee
vineri, 16 aprilie 2010
Ryan White
Ryan White, symbol of justice
Ryan White simbol al justitiei
Or child of innocence,
Copil al inocentei
messenger of love
Mesager al iubirii
Where are you now, where have you gone?
Unde esti acum?Unde ai plecat?
Ryan White, I miss your sunny days
Ryan White,mi-e dor de zilele tale insorite
We carelessly frolicked in extended plays
Ne-am distrat cu drag in jocuri nenumarate
I miss you, Ryan White
Mi-e dor de tine Ryan White
I miss your smile, innocent and bright
Mi-e dor de zambetul tau,inocent si luminos
I miss your glory, I miss your light
Mi-e dor de aura ta ,de lumina ta.
Ryan White, symbol of contradiction
Ryan White symbol al contradictiei
Child of Irony, of child of fiction?
Copil al ironiei sau copil al fictiunii
I think of your shattered life
Ma gandesc la viata ta sfaramata
Of your struggle, of your strife
La efortul tau,la lupta ta
While ladies dance in the moonlit night
Cand doamnele danseaza in noaptea luminata de luna
Champagne parties on chartered cruises
Petreceri cu sampanie sau croaziere pe mare
I see your wasted form, your ghostly sight
Iti vad forma sfarsita, imaginea transparenta
I feel your festering wounds, your battered bruises
Iti simt ranile chinuitoare,vanataile adanci
Ryan White, symbol of agony and pain
Ryan White,simbol al agoniei si al suferintei
Of ignorant fear gone insane
A teamei ignorante dusa pana la nebunie
In a hysterical society
Intr-o societate isterica
With free-floating anxiety
Cu anxietate peste tot
And feigned piety
Si mila falsa.
I miss you, Ryan White
Mi-e dor de tine Ryan White
You showed us how to stand and fight
Ne-ai aratat cum sa rezistam si sa luptam
In the rain you were a cloudburst of joy
Ai fost o ploaie de enorma fericire
The sparkle of hope in every girl and boy
O sclipire de speranta pentru fiecare fata si baiat
In the depths of your anguished sorrow
In adancurile chinuitoarelor tale dureri
Was the dream of another tomorrow.
Era visul de a merge inainte.

A Child is a Song
When children listen to music, they don't just listen. They melt into the melody and flow with the rhythm. Something inside starts to unfold its wings - soon the child and the music are one. I feel that way, too, in the presence of music, and my best moments of creativity have often been spent with children. When I am around them, music comes to me as easily as breathing.
Each song is a child I nourish and give my love to. But even if you have never written a song, your life is a song. How can it not be? In wave after wave, Nature caresses you - the rhythm of each dawn and each sunset is part of you, the falling rain touches your soul, and you see yourself in the clouds that are playing tag with the sun. To live is to be musical, starting with the blood dancing in your veins. Everything living has a rhythm. To feel each one, softly and attentively, brings out its music.
Do you feel your music?
Children do, but once we grow up, life becomes a burden and a chore, and the music grows fainter. Sometimes the heart is so heavy that we turn away from it and forget that its throbbing is the wisest message of life, a wordless message that says, "Live, be, move, rejoice -- you are alive!" Without the heart's wise rhythm, we could not exist.
When I begin to feel a little tired or burdened, children revive me. I turn to them for new life, for new music. Two brown eyes look at me so deeply, so innocently, and inside I murmur, "This child is a song." It is so true and direct an experience that instantly I realize again, "I am a song also." I am back to myself once more.
In timp ce asculta muzica,copiii nu doar asculta.Se topesc in melodie si plutesc pe ritm.Ceva inauntrul lor incepe sa-si deschida aripile-curand copilul si muzica sunt unul singur.Ma simt si eu asa,in prezenta muzicii,si cele mai bune momente ale creativitatii mele au fost deobicei cele petrecute in preajma copiilor.Cand sunt cu ei,muzica vine la fel de usor ca respiratul.
Fiecare cantec este un copil pe care il cresc si ii dau dragostea mea.Chiar daca nu ai scris niciodata un cantec,viata ta e un cantec.Cum ar putea sa nu fie?In val dupa val,Natura te mangaie-ritmul fiecarui rasarit si fiecare apus este parte din tine,ploaia care cade iti atinge sufletul,si te vezi in norii care se joaca de-a prinselea cu soarele.A trai inseamna a fi muzical,incepand cu sangele care iti danseaza in vene.Tot ce e viu are ritm.A simti unul pe celelalt,incet si cu atentie,aduce afara muzica.
Iti simti muzica?
Copiii fac asta,dar odata ce crestem,viata devine greutate si munca si muzica incepe sa paleasca.Cateodata inima este atat de grea incat ne indepartam de muzica si uitam ca pulsatia sa este cel mai intelept mesaj al vietii,un mesaj fara cuvinte care spune :”Traiesti,fi,misca-te,inveseleste-te-esti viu!” Fara ritmul intelept al inimii,nu am putea exista.
Cand incep sa ma simt putin obosit sau apasat de griji,copiii imi dau energie.Ei imi dau o noua viata,muzica noua.Doi ochi caprui se uita la mine atat de adanc,de inocent si ma gandesc”Copilul acesta este un cantec” Este o experienta adevarata si directa care ma face sa realizez „Si eu sunt un cantec” M-am intors la mine insumi iar.
Si visul continua...

Dancing The Dream
Consciousness expresses itself through creation. This world we live in is the dance of the creator. Dancers come and go in the twinkling of an eye but the dance lives on. On many an occasion when I'm dancing, I've felt touched by something sacred. In those moments, I've felt my spirit soar and become one with everything that exists. I become the stars and the moon. I become the lover and the beloved. I become the victor and the vanquished. I become the master and the slave. I become the singer and the song. I become the knower and the known. I keep on dancing and then, it is the eternal dance of creation. The creator and creation merge into one wholeness of joy.
I keep on dancing and dancing .......and dancing, until there is only......the dance.
Constiinta noastra se autoexprima prin creatie.Lumea in care traim este dansul creatorului.Dansatori vin si pleaca intr-o clipa,dansul ramane.De multe ori cand dansez,m-am simtit atins de ceva sacru.In aceste moment mi-am simtit spiritul luandu-si avant si devenind unul cu tot ce exista.Am devenit stelele si luna.Am devenit cel ce iubeste si cel iubit.Am devenit invingatorul si cel invins.Am devenit stapanul si sclavul.Am devenit cantaretul si cantecul.Am devenit cunoscatorul si cunoscutul.Continui sa dansez si apoi devine dansul etern al creatiei.Creatorul si creatia se imbina intr-un tot al bucuriei.
Continui sa dansez...pana ramane doar..dansul.
joi, 15 aprilie 2010
The Wiz 1978
"When you make a film, you're capturing something elusive and you're stopping time. The people, their performances, the story become a thing that can be shared by people all over the world for generations and generations.
When I was transformed into the Scarecrow, it was the most wonderful thing in the world. I got to be somebody else and escape through my character. Kids would come visit the set, and I'd have such fun playing with them and responding to them as the Scarecrow.
Often when I was in front of the camera, trying to do a serious scene, one of the other characters would start making faces at me, trying to crack me up. I had always been drilled in serious professionalism and preparedness and therefore I thought it was a pretty mean thing to do. This actor would know that I had important lines to say that day, yet he would make these really crazy faces to distract me. I felt it was more than inconsiderate and unfair.
My character had plenty to say and to learn. I was propped up on my pole with a bunch of crows laughing at me, while I sang "You Can't Win." The song was about humiliation and helplessness - something that so many people have felt at one time or another - and the feeling that there are people out there who don't actively hold you back as much as they work quietly on your insecurities so that you hold yourself back.
The directions called for me to pull a piece of paper from my straw and read it. It was a quote. The author's name, Socrates, was printed at the end. I had read Socrates, but I had never pronounced his name, so I said, "Soh-crates," because that's the way I had always assumed it was pronounced. There was a moment's silence before I heard someone whisper, "Soh-ruh-teeze.
I smiled, a little embarrassed at having mispronounced the name, and thanked him for his help.
I am especially fond of the scene where Diana asks, "What am I afraid of? Don't know what I'm made of . . ." because I've felt that way many times, even during the good moments of my life. "
"Cand faci un film,imortalizezi ceva fragil si opresti timpul.Oamenii,spectacolele lor,povestea este impartita cu oamenii din toata lumea pentru generatii intregi.
Cand am fost transformat in Sperietoarea de ciori,a fost cel mai minunat lucru din lume.Am putut sa fiu altcineva si sa sa evadez prin personajul meu.Ma distram cu copiii care veneau sa viziteze platourile de filmare si ma adresam lor ca si Sperietoarea de ciori.
De multe ori cand eram in fata camerei,incercand sa joc o scena serioasa,unul dintre persoanje incepea sa se strambe la mine,incercand sa ma faca sa rad.Am fost educat sa lucrez cu profesionalism si pregatire si am crezut ca este foarte urat sa faci asta.Actorul acela stia ca am de spus o replica importanta in acea zi,chiar si asa se stramba pentru a ma distrage.Am simtit ca era lipsa de respect si nedrept.
Personajul meu avea multe de spus si de invatat.Stateam sprijinit de stalpul meu inconjurat de niste ciori care radeau de mine in timp ce eu cantam "Nu poti castiga".Cantecul era despre umilire si neajutorare-ceva ce multi oameni au simtit cateodata-si sentimentul ca sunt unii oameni care nu incearca sa te traga inapoi,ci actioneaza in tacere asupra insecuritatilor tale pentru a te face sa dai singur inapoi.
Scenariul spunea sa scot o bucata de hartie din paiele mele si sa o citesc.Era un citat.Numele autorului,Socrate,aparea la sfarsit.Am auzit de Socrate,dar nu i-am pronuntat niciodata numele asa ca am spus "Soh-crates" pentru ca asa am crezut intotdeauna ca se pronunta.A fost un moment de tacere pana cand am auzit pe cineva soptind "Soh-ruh-teeze" Am zambit,un pic rusinat fiindca i-am gresit numele,si i-am multumit pentru ajutor.
Imi place in special scena cand Diana intreaba "De ce mi-e frica?Nu stiu din ce sunt facut..." pentru ca m-am simtit asa de multe ori,chiar si in momentele bune ale vietii mele."
This is it?

Repetitii.Privesc.Ma imbratiseaza si ne plimbam prin studio.Ei susotesc "parca ar fi doi adolescenti".Eram.Ma saruta.E vis.Nu se va incheia niciodata.
"L.O.V.E lives forever"
Planeta pamant
Planeta pamant caminul meu,locul de care apartin,
Ceva unic in marea galaxie
Planeta pamant,oare doar plutesti pe langa un nor de praf?
O sfera mica pe cale sa explodeze
O bucata de metal sortita ruginirii?
O frantura de materie intr-un spatiu nemarginit?
O nava singuratica,un imens asteroid?
Rece ca o stanca fara nici o sclipire
Mentinuta intacta cu un pic de lipici
Ceva imi spuna ca acesta nu este adevarul
Esti iubita mea,gingasa si albastra!
Iti pasa?Esti parte din cele mai strafunde emotii din inima mea?
Blanda cu adieri,mangaiind si intregind
Vie prin muzica,rascolindu-mi sufletul.
Am simtit in vene misterul
Erelor timpului,cartile istoriei
Cantecele de veacuri ale vietii pulsandu-mi prin sange
Au dansat pe ritmul mareei si a furtunii
Norii tai incetosati,furtuna ta electrizanta
Un zbucium in interiorul meu.
Am incercat intepatorul amarul sau dulcele
Fiecarei regasiri plina de pasiune, de caldura
Culoarea ta plina de viata,mireasma ta,gustul tau
Mi-au incantat simturile,dincolo de orice limite!
Prin frumusetea ta am cunoscut esenta
Beatitudinii eterne,momentul de acum.
Planeta Pamant,oare doar plutesti pe langa un nor de praf?
O sfera mica pe cale sa explodeze
O bucata de metal sortita ruginirii?
O frantura de materie intr-un spatiu nemarginit?
O nava singuratica,un imens asteroid?
Rece ca o stanca fara nici o sclipire
Mentinuta intacta cu un pic de lipici
Ceva imi spune ca acesta nu este adevarul
Esti iubita mea,gingasa si albastra!
Iti pasa?Esti parte din cele mai strafunde emotii din inima mea?
Blanda cu adieri,mangaiind si intregind
Vie prin muzica,rascolindu-mi sufletul.
Planeta pamant,delicata si albastra
Te iubesc nespus de mult!
Planet Earth
Planet Earth, my home, my place
A capricious anomaly in the sea of space
Planet earth, are you just floating by a cloud of dust?
A minor globe about to bust
A piece of metal bound to rust
A spec of matter in a mindless void
A lonely spaceship, a large asteroid
Cold as a rock, without a hue
Held together with a bit of glue
Something tells me this isn’t true
You are my sweetheart, soft and blue
Do you care? Have you a part, in the deepest emotions of my own heart?
Tender with breezes, caressing and whole
Alive with music, haunting my soul
In my veins I felt the mystery
Of corridors of time, books of history
Life songs of ages throbbing in my blood
Have danced to the rhythm of the tide and flood
Your misty clouds, your electric storm
A turbulent tempest, in my own form
I’ve licked the salt, the bitter the sweet
Of every encounter, of passion, of heat
Your riotous color, your fragrance, your taste
Have thrilled my senses, beyond all haste
In your beauty I’ve known the how
Of timeless bliss, this moment of now
Planet Earth, are you just floating by a cloud of dust?
A minor globe about to bust
A piece of metal bound to rust
A spec of matter in a mindless void
A lonely spaceship, a large asteroid
Cold as a rock, without a hue
Held together with a bit of glue
Something tells me this isn’t true
You are my sweetheart, gentle and blue
Do you care? Have you a part, in the deepest emotions of my own heart?
Tender with breezes, caressing and whole
Alive with music, haunting my soul
Planet Earth, gentle and blue
With all my heart, I love you
She's out of my life(demo)
Wanna be Startin' Somethin' (demo)
Beat it(demo)
miercuri, 14 aprilie 2010
Blood on the dancefloor

"And who gave you the right to scare my family
Si cine ti-a dat dreptul sa imi sperii familia
And who gave you the right to scare my baby
Si cine ti-a dat dreptul sa imi sperii iubita
She needs me Are nevoie de mine
And who gave you the right to shake my family tree
Si cine ti-a dat dreptul sa intervii in familia mea
And who gave you the right to make intrusion to see me
Si cine ti-a dat dreptul sa apari nepoftit ca sa ma vezi
You put a knife in my backMi-ai pus cutitul la spate
Shot an arrow in me Ai aruncat cu o sageata in mine
Tell me are you the ghost of jealousy Spune-mi esti fantoma geloziei
A suckin’ ghost of jealousy O fantoma disturgatoare a geloziei
I’m gonna be
Exactly what you wanna see Voi fi exact ceea ce vreti sa vedeti
It’s you who’s taunting me Voi ma vanati
Because you’re wanting me Pentru ca ma vreti
To be the stranger in the night Sa fiu strainul din noapte
Am I amusing you Va amuz
Or just confusing you Sau va simtiti confuzi
Am I the beast you visualized Sunt bestia pe care ati vizualizat-o
And if you wanna see
Eccentric oddities Daca vreti sa vedeti ciudatenii excentrice
I’ll be grotesque before your eye O sa fiu grotesc in fata voastra
Let them all materialize Lasa-ti le sa se materializeze
But if you came to see Dar daca ati venit sa vedeti
The truth, the purity Adevarul puritatea
It’s here inside a lonely heart Este aici inauntrul unei inimii singuratice
So let the performance start Sa inceapa spectacolul"
" I let the song pretty much speak to me and I get in a room and I pretty much start making notes... You know, I'll speak to a writer -- like Stephen King and myself, both of us wrote Ghosts, the short film Ghosts, and we just on the telephone started writing it and let it create itself and go where it wants to go. But we try to do things that are very unusual. And it's... it's not an easy thing to do because you have to time it with the song, and you can't spend too much time, and the special effects can take 5 months sometimes to execute. So, it's just .. .it's kinda difficult thing and the record company's saying, "Come on, come on, come on, we have to go, we have to go." So, I understand. So we try to do the best we can in the amount of time that we can execute it in."
"Las cantecul sa imi vorbeasca,merg in camera si incep sa scriu note muzicale.Sti,vorbeam cu un producator-ca Stephen King si cu mine,amandoi am scris Ghosts,mini filmul Ghosts,si am inceput sa-l scriem la telefon si l-am lasat sa se autocreeze si sa se duca in ce directie vrea.Dar am incercat sa facem lucruri mai neobisnuite.Si nu este usor de facut,trebuie sincronizare cu cantecul,si nu poti sa-i acorzi prea mult timp,si efectele speciale cateodata dureaza 5 luni ca sa fie gata.Este greu...compania de discuri spune "haideti haideti,trebuie sa-i dam drumul" Asa ca inteleg.Asa ca dam tot ce putem mai bun in timpul pe care il avem la dispozitie."
Blood on the Dance Floor
Superfly Sister
Is It Scary
HIStory (Tony Moran's HIStory Lesson)

"He got kicked in the backA fost tratat nedrept He say that he needed thatA spus ca avea nevoie de astaHe hot willed in the face
El are o vointa puternica pe chip
Keep daring to motivateContinua sa indrazneasca sa se motivezeHe say one day you will seeEl spune ca intr-o zi vei vedeaHis place in world historyLocul lui in istoria lumii
He dares to be recognizedIndrazneste sa fie recunoscutThe fire’s deep in his eyesAre foc in priviri
Every day create your history
In fiecare zi creaza-ti istoriaEvery path you take you’re leaving your legacyFiecare drum urmat iti lasi mostenirea
Don’t let no one get you downNu lasa pe nimeni sa te doboareKeep movin’ on higher ground
Continua sa avanseziKeep flying untilZboara pana candYou are the king of the hill
Esti deasupra tuturorNo force of nature can break
Nici o forta a naturii nu-ti poate luaYour will to self motivate
Puterea de automotivareShe say this face that you see
Ea spune ca fata pe care o vezi acumIs destined for history
E destinata sa intre in istorie
All nations sing
Toate natiunile sa cante
Let's harmonize all around the world
Haideti sa fie pace pretutindeni in lume"
Scream (featuring Janet Jackson)
They Don't Care About Us
Stranger in Moscow
This Time Around (featuring The Notorious B.I.G.)
Look Again, Baby Seal
One of the most touching nature photographs is of a baby fur seal
lying on the ice alone. I'm sure you have seen it -- the picture seems
to be all eyes, the trusting dark eyes of a small animal gazing up at
the camera and into your heart. When I first looked at them, the eyes
asked, "Are you going to hurt me?" I knew the answer was yes, because
thousands of baby seals were being killed every year.
Many people were touched by one baby seal's helplessness. They gave
money to save the seals, and public awareness started to shift. As I
returned to the picture, those two wide eyes began to say something
different. Now they asked, "Do you know me?" This time I didn't feel
so much heartache as when I felt the violence man inflicts upon
animals. But I realized that there was still a big gap. How much did I
really know about life on earth? What responsibility did I feel for
creatures outside my little space? How could I lead my life so that
every cell of living matter was also benefited?
Everyone who began to wonder about these things found, I think, that
their feelings were shifting away from fear toward more closeness with
life as a whole. The beauty and wonder of life began to seem very
personal; the possibility of making the planet a garden for all of us
to grow in began to dawn. I looked into the eyes of the baby seal, and
for the first time they smiled. "Thank you," they said. "You have
given me hope."
Is that enough? Hope is such a beautiful word, but it often seems very
fragile. Life is still being needlessly hurt and destroyed. The image
of one baby seal alone on the ice or one baby girl orphaned in war is
still frightening in its helplessness. I realized that nothing would
finally save life on earth but trust in life itself, in its power to
heal, in its ability to survive our mistakes and welcome us back when
we learn to correct those mistakes.
Una dintre cele mai emotionante poze din natura este cea a unui pui de foca stand pe ghiata singur.Sunt sigur ca ati vazut-o-poza pare sa fie numai ochi,ochii negrii increzatori a unui mic animal uitandu-se la aparatul de fotografiat si in adancul inimii tale.Cand m-am uitat prima oara la ei,ochii au intrebat:"O sa imi faci rau?" Stiam ca raspunsul era da,pentru ca mii de pui de foca erau omorati in fiecare an.
Multi oameni au fost impresionati de puiul de foca neajutorat.Au dat bani sa salveze focile si grija publica a suferit o modificare.Cand m-am intors la poza,acesti doi ochi mari au inceput sa spuna altceva.Acum intrebau,"Ma cunosti?"De data asta nu m-a mai durut atat de tare ,ca atunci cand am simtit violenta la care sunt supuse animalele de catre oameni.Dar mi-am dat seama ca era inca un mare gol.Cat de mult cunosteam cu adevarat viata pe pamant?Ce responsabilitate aveam pentru fiintele dinafara spatiului meu restrans?Cum puteam sa imi duc viata astfel incat sa pot ajuta fiecare fiinta vie?
Toata lumea care a inceput sa se gandesca la aceste lucruri,si-au dat seama ca sentimentele lor se indepartau de teama,apropiindu-se mai mult de viata.Frumusetea si minunatiile vietii au inceput sa fie mai personale.Posibilitatea de a face planeta o gradina pentru noi toti,pentru a trai in ea,a inceput sa apara.M-am uitat in ochii puiului de foca si pentru prima data zambeau."Iti multumesc" spuneau ei."Mi-ai dat speranta"
Ajunge oare atat?Speranta este un cuvant atat de frumos,dar este fragil deseori.Viata este distrusa inca fara sens.Imaginea unui pui de foca singur pe ghiata sau a unei fetite orfane in timpul razboiului este inspaimantatoare, cat de neajutorati par.Mi-am dat seama ca nimic nu va salva viata pe pamant dar increderea in viata insasi,in putearea ei de a vindeca,in abilitatea ei de a supravietui greselilor noastre ,ea ne va ura bun venit cand vom invata sa indreptam aceste greseli.
Earth Song
D.S. (featuring Slash)
Come Together
You Are Not Alone
Childhood (Theme from Free Willy 2)
Tabloid Junkie
2 Bad (featuring Shaquille O'Neal)
Little Susie
"In truth, I really didn't want the album to be about old songs, you know. It is a Greatest Hits album - to me most Greatest Hits Albums are boring, you know, and I wanted to keep creating. You know, the new songs are very different. They are autobiographical, I mean they came from the heart - they are myself. They are not my songs anymore it's the way I feel they belong to everybody now."
Adevarul este ca nu am vrut ca albumul sa fie despre cantece vechi.Este un album cu cele mai tari hituri-si mie mi se pare plictisitor,vroiam sa continui sa creez.Cantecele noi sunt foarte diferite.Sunt autobiografice,vin din suflet-sunt o parte din mine.Nu mai sunt cantecele mele,sunt felul in care simt ca acum ele apartin tuturor.
"Sometimes the only thing you can do is scream. (laughs) Don't you ever feel this way? You just wanna let it all out. People should listen and decide for themselves.
"Cateodata,tot ce iti mai ramane de facut este sa tipi.Nu te simti niciodata asa?Vrei doar sa dai totul afara.Oamenii ar trebui sa asculte si sa decida singuri."
"Our personal history begins in childhood and the song "Childhood" is a reflection of my life, years ago, when I was much younger. And it's about the pain, some of the joys, some of the dreaming, some of the mental adventures I took because of the different lifestyle that I had being a child performer. I was born on the stage and "Childhood" - it is my mirror - it is my story."
"Istoria noastra personala incepe din copilarie si cantecul Copilarie este o poveste a vietii mele,acum multi ani,cand eram mai tanar.Este despre suferinta,unele bucurii,unele vise,aventurile pe care le-am avut doar in minte datorita stilului de viata diferit pe care l-am avut ca fiind copil artist.M-am nascut pe scena si Childhood este oglinda mea-este povestea mea."
Earth Song
"I remember writing Earth Song when I was in Austria, in a hotel. And I was feeling so much pain and so much suffering of the plight of the Planet Earth. And for me, uhm, this is Earth's Song, because I think nature is trying so hard to compensate for man's mismanagement of the Earth. And with the ecological unbalance going on, and a lot of the, uh, problems in the environment, I think earth feels... feels the pain, and she has wounds, and it's about some of the joys of the planet as well. But this is my chance to pretty much let people hear the voice of the planet.
And this is "Earth Song". And that's what inspired it. And it just suddenly dropped into my lap when I was in... on tour in Austria."
"Imi aduc aminte,am scris Earth Song in Austria,intr-un hotel.Ma durea si sufeream gandindu-ma la conditia planetei.Si pentru mine,acesta este Cantecul Pamantului,eu cred ca natura incearca din greu sa compenseze pentru neglijentele omului asupra planetei.Si cu dezechilibrul ecologic si problemele mediului, pamantul simte...simte durerea si are rani,dar este si despre unele bucurii ale planetei.Asta este sansa mea sa-i fac pe oamenii sa auda glasul planetei.
Si acesta este Earth Song.De aici a fost inspirat.Pur si simplu a aparut cand eram... in turneu in Austria."
Stranger in Moscow
"Stranger in Moscow was written, uh, when I was in Moscow on the Dangerous-Tour. And it was just a strange, eerie, lonely time for me. Outside my hotel was just a sea of faces of... of fans chanting and screaming. But I was inside my room and I felt so all alone, like I was the last person of the planet. And in the song I say "How does it feel when you're alone and you're cold inside." uh, I say "It's like a stranger in Moscow" and that's pretty much how I felt. And the people were some of the nicest people I've ever met. And the concert was very successful, but, uhm, that day, especially that day, I just felt this different feeling and the song "Stranger in Moscow" came to me. So that's how it was written."
"Stranger in Moscow a fost scris ,cand eram in Moscova,in turneul Dangerous.Era o perioada ciudata pentru mine si ma simteam singur.Afara hotelului era o mare de fani cantand si tipand.Eu eram in camera mea si ma simteam atat de singur,ca si cum as fi fost singura persoana de pe lume.Si in cantec spun "Cum se simte cand esti singur si rece pe dinauntru" si spun "este ca un strain in Moscova" si asa ma simteam.Oamenii erau dintre cei mai draguti pe care i-am cunoscut vreodata.Si concertul a avut mult succes,dar in ziua aceia,in special atunci,am simtit acel sentiment diferit si cantecul Stranger in Moscow a venit la mine.Asa a fost scris."
Africa-Taram al muzicii
"And then there was Africa. We had read up on Africa because our tutor, Miss Fine, had prepared special lessons on the customs and history of each country we visited. We didn't get to see the prettier parts of Africa, but the ocean and the shore and the people were unbelievably beautiful near the coast where we were. We went to a game reserve one day and observed animals roaming wild. The music was eye-opening too. The rhythms were phenomenal. When we first came off the plane, it was dawn and there was a long line of Africans dancing in their native costumes, with drums and shakers. They were dancing all around, welcoming us. They were really into it. Boy, it was something. What a perfect way to welcome us to Africa. I'll never forget that.
And the craftspeople in the marketplace were incredible. People were making things as we watched and selling other things. I remember one man who made beautiful wood carvings. He'd ask you what you wanted and you'd say, "A man's face," and he'd take a piece from a tree trunk, slice it, and create this remarkable face. You could watch him do it right before your eyes. I'd just sit there and watch people step up to ask him to make something for them and he'd do this whole thing over and over. It was a visit to Senegal that made us realize how fortunate we were and how our African heritage had helped to make us what we were. We visited an old, abandoned slave camp at Gore Island and we were so moved. The African people had given us gifts of courage and endurance that we couldn't hope to repay."
"Si apoi a fost Africa.Am studiat despre Africa pentru ca tutoarea noastra,doamna Fine,ne-a pregatit lectii speciale despre obiceiurile si istoria fiecarei tari pe care am vizitat-o.Nu am vazut chiar cele mai frumoase parti ale Africii,dar oceanul,tarmul si oamenii erau nespus de frumosi in apropierea coastei unde ne aflam.Ne-am dus intr-o rezervatie de vanatoare intr-o zi si am observat animalele umbland libere in salbaticie. Muzica iti atragea atentia deasemenea.Ritmurile erau fenomenale.Cand am coborat prima oara din avion,abia se crapa de ziua si erau multi africani dansand in costumele lor traditionale,cu tobe si shakere. Dansau imprejurul nostru,urandu-ne bun venit.Chiar se implicasera.Era ceva special.Ce mod grozav de a ne ura bun venit in Africa.Nu voi uita asta niciodata.
Mesterii din piata erau incredibili.Oamenii faceau obiecte in timp ce priveam si vindeau alte lucruri.Imi aduc aminte de un om care cioplea minunat in lemn.Te intreba ce vrei si tu spuneai "o fata de barbat" si eu lua o bucata din trunchiul unui copac,o taia si creea aceasta fata superba.Facea asta chiar sub ochiii tai.Stateam acolo si ma uitam cum oamenii il rugau sa faca ceva pentru ei si facea asta iar si iar.
Vizita in Senegal ne-a facut sa realizam cat de norocosi eram si cum mostenirea africana ne-a ajutat sa devenim ceea ce suntem acum.Am vizitat un vechi si abandonat camp de sclavi in Insula Gore si am fost foarte impresionati.Oamenii din Africa ne-au dat cadouri de incurajare si rezistenta pe care n-am fi putut sa le rasplatim."
"In my heart, deepest of heart, I really love Africa and I love the people of Africa. That's why, whenever I get the chance, the children and I, we jump on the plane and fly to Africa and we have vacation there. I spend more of my vacation in Africa than in any other country. And ah, we love the people and we love the environment. Topographically, one of the most beautiful places on the surface of the Earth. They never show the sandy white sugar beaches, and it's there! And they never show the beautiful, you know the landscaping, never show the buildings, the metropolis and urban - Johannesburg, Cape Town, Kenya, ur, you know the Ivory Coast ur, you know, Rwanda, how beautiful the place is! And it's really stunningly beautiful! And I want to heighten that awareness with what I'm doing and it's been my dream for many, many years. And everybody around me knows that, because I go there very much.
The world is jealous of Africa for many centuries because it's natural resources is phenomenal. It really is. And it is the dawn of civilization. The history, a lot of our bible history is right there in Africa. And King Tut, all those great civilizations - that is right there in Africa. Egypt is in Africa! And they always try to separate the two, but Egypt is Africa!
I'm more aware of the rythms and the music and the people.That's what i'm really noticing more than anything.The rythms are incredible.You can tell especially the way the children move.Even the little babies,when they hear the drums,they start to move.The rythm,the way it affects their soul and they start to move."
"In inima mea,in adancul inimii mele,iubesc Africa si poporul ei.De aceea,de cate ori am ocazia,copiii mei si cu mine,luam avionul si zburam in Africa,unde stam in vacanta.Imi petrec mare parte din vacanta in Africa,mai mult decat in orice alta tara.Si iubim oamenii si imprejurimile.Geografic vorbind este una dintre cele mai frumoase locuri de pe Pamant.Nu arata niciodata plajele cu nisip alb si este acolo!Niciodata nu arata partea frumoasa,peisajul,cladirile,orasul si partea urbana-Johannesburg,Cape Town,Keny,Coasta Ivoriana,Rwanda,cat de frumos e locul acesta!Si e chiar uimitor de frumos!Si trebuie sa atrag atentia serios prin ceea ce fac si este visul meu de multi ani incoace.Si toata lumea imprejurul meu stie asta,pentru ca merg acolo foarte des.
Lumea simte invidie fata de Africa de multe secole pentru ca resursele sale naturale sunt uimitoare.Chiar sunt.Si este locul nasterii civilizatiei.Istoria,mare parte din istoria noastra religioasa este chiar in Africa.Regele Tut,toate civilizatiile marete- toate astea sunt in Africa.Egiptul este in Africa!Si intodeauna incearca sa le separe,dar Egiptul este Africa!
Acum sunt mai atent la ritmuri la muzica si la oameni.De asta imi dau seama mai mult decat orice.Ritmurile sunt incredibile.Poti sa iti dai seama mai ales dupa felul in care se misca copiii.Chiar si beblusii.cand aud tobele,incep sa se miste.Ritmul,prin modul in care le atinge sufletul si incep sa se miste."
"For me,it's like "The dawn of civilisation".It's the first place where society existed.It's seen a lot of love.I guess there's that connection because it is the root of all rythm.Everything.It's home."
"Pentru mine,este ca locul de nastere al civilizatiei.Este primul loc unde a existat societatea.Este multa dragoste acolo.Cred ca este aceasta legatura pentru ca Africa este sursa tututror ritmurilor.Totul.Este acasa."
marți, 13 aprilie 2010
Vindecati lumea-Dangerous

"Think about the generations, and say we wanna make it a better
place for our children and our children’s children, so that they...
They, they... They know it’s a better world for them.
And think if they can make it a better place..."
"Ganditi-va la generatii,si spuneti ,noi vrem sa facem o lume mai buna pentru copiii nostri si pentru copiii copiilor nostri pentru ca stie ca e o lume mai buna pentru ei.Si sa se gandeasca daca o pot face un loc mai bun.."
We could fly so high
Am putea sa zburam atat de sus
Let our spirits never die
Sa ne lasam spiritele sa traiasca pentru totdeauna
In my heart I feel you are all my brothers
In inima mea simt ca toti sunteti fratii mei
Create a world with no fear
Creati o lume fara teama
Together we’ll cry happy tears
Impreuna vom plange lacrimi de fericire
See the nations turn their swords into plowshares
Vazand natiunile cum dau razboiul pe pace*
*In expressions like "beating swords into plowshares" the sword is a metaphor for(symbolises) war and the plowshare is a metaphor for peace.*
Heal the world
Vindecati lumea
Make it a better place
Faceti-o un loc mai bun
For you and for me
Pentru tine si pentru mine
And the entire human race
Si intreaga rasa umana
There are people dying
Sunt oameni care mor
If you care enough for the living
Daca chiar iti pasa de cei care traiesc
Make a better place
Fa un loc mai bun
For you and for me
Pentru tine si pentru mine
Heal the world we live in
Vindecati lumea in care traim
Save it for our children
Salvati-o pentru copiii nostri
On Children of the World
We have to heal our wounded world. The chaos, despair, and senseless
destruction we see today are a result of the alienation that people
feel from each other and their environment. Often this alienation has
its roots in an emotionally deprived childhood. Children have had
their childhood stolen from them. A child's mind need the nourishment
of mystery, magic, wonder, and excitement. I want my work to help
people rediscover the child that's hiding in them.
Despre copiii lumii
Trebuie sa ne vindecam lumea ranita.Haosul,disperarea si distrugerile fara rost pe care le vedem azi sunt rezultatul indepartarii oamenilor unul fata de celelalt si fata de mediu.De obicei,aceasta instrainare isi are originea intr-o copilarie lipsita de sentimente.Copiilor le-a fost furata copilaria.Mintea unui copil are nevoie sa fie hranita de mister,magie,minune si distractie.Vreau ca munca mea sa-i ajute pe oameni sa redescopere acel copil care se ascunde in ei."
I wanted to do an album that was like Tchaikovsky's Nutcracker Suite.So that in a thousand years from now,people would still be listening to it.Something that would live forever.I would like to see children and teenagers and parents and all races all over the world,hundreds and hundreds of years from now,still pulling out songs from that album and dissecting it.I want it to live.
Am vrut sa fac un album asemeni Spargatorului de nuci a lui Tchaikovsky.Inca o suta de ani de acum incolo,oamenii sa-l mai asculte.Ceva care va trai pentru totdeauna.As vrea sa vad copii,adolescenti si parinti si toate rasele din lume,sa ia piese din album si sa le analizeze.Vreau sa traiasca.
I wrote "Will you be there" at my house Neverland, in California...i didn't think about it hard.That's why it's hard to take credit for the songs that i write,because i just always feel that it's done from above.I feel fortunate for beeing that instrument through which music flows.I'm just the source through which it comes.I can't take credit for it because it's God's work.He's just using me as the messenger...
Am scris "Will you be there" acasa,la Neverland,in m-am gandit prea mult la el.De aceea imi este greu sa recunosc cantecele ca si ale mele,intotdeauna simt ca vine de undeva de sus.Ma simt norocos sa fiu acel instrument prin care muzica pluteste.Sunt sursa prin care apare.Nu pot sa spun ca e a mea pentru ca este munca lui Dumnezeu.Eu sunt doar un mesager...
In one of the pieces of the Dangerous album, i say:
"Life songs of ages,throbbing in my blood,have danced the rythm of the tide and flood".This is a very literal statement,because the same new miracle intervals and biological rythms that sound out of the architecture of my DNA also gouverns the movement of the stars.The same music governs the rythm of the seasons,the pulse of our heartbeats,the migration of birds,the ebb and the flow of ocean tides,the cycles of growth,evolution and dissolution.It's music,it's rythm.And my goal in life is to give to the world what i was lucky to receive:the ecstasy of divine union through my music and my dance.It's like, my purpose,it's what i'm here for."
In una dintre piesele de pe albumul Dangerous,spun:
"Cantecele vietii de veacuri,pulsandu-mi prin sange,au dansat pe ritmul mareei si a revarsarilor".Aceasta este o declaratie adevarata,pentru ca aceleasi momente si ritmuri biologice care rasuna din arhitectura AND-ului meu guverneaza si miscarea stelelor.Aceiasi muzica guverneaza si ritmul anotimpurilor,pulsul batailor inimii,migrarea pasarilor,fluxul si refluxul mareelor,ciclurile cresterii,evolutia si involutia.Este muzica,este ritm.Scopul meu in viata este sa-i dau lumii ceea ce am avut norocul sa primesc:fericirea provocata de uniunea divina dintre muzica si dansul meu.Este ca un scop pentru mine,pentru asta sunt aici."
Jam (featuring Heavy D)
Why You Wanna Trip on Me
. In the Closet
She Drives Me Wild
Remember the Time
Can't Let Her Get Away
Heal The World
Black or White
Who Is It
Give In to Me (featuring Slash on guitar)
Will You Be There (Theme from Free Willy)
Keep The Faith
Gone Too Soon
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