"When I became a father, my whole sense of God and the Sabbath was redefined. When I look into the eyes of my son, Prince, and daughter, Paris, I see miracles and I see beauty. Every single day becomes the Sabbath. Having children allows me to enter this magical and holy world every moment of every day. I see God through my children. I speak to God through my children. I am humbled for the blessings He has given me.
There have been times in my life when I, like everyone, has had to wonder about God’s existence. When Prince smiles, when Paris giggles, I have no doubts. Children are God's gift to us. No--they are more than that—they are the very form of God's energy and creativity and love. He is to be found in their innocence, experienced in their playfulness.
Now I find this freedom and magic every day in my role as a father. The amazing thing is, we all have the ability to make every day the precious day that is the Sabbath. And we do this by rededicating ourselves to the wonders of childhood. We do this by giving over our entire heart and mind to the little people we call son and daughter. The time we spend with them is the Sabbath. The place we spend it is called Paradise."
"Cand am devenit tata,imaginea pe care o aveam despre Dumnezeu si Sabbath s-a redefinit.Cand privesc in ochii fiului meu Prince si fiicei mele ,Paris,vad miracole si frumusete.Fiecare zi devina Sabbath.Avand copi

Au fost momente in viata mea,cand,la fel ca toata lumea,m-am intrebat despre existenta lui Dumnezeu.
Cand Prince rade,cand Paris zambeste,nu mai am indoieli.Copiii sunt cadoul lui Dumnezeu pentru noi.Nu-sunt mai mult decat asta-ei sunt energia, creativitatea si dragostea lui Dumnezeu.El se gaseste in inocenta lor,in joaca lor. Acum gasesc aceasta libertate si magie in fiecare zi,in rolul meu de tata.Ceea ce este minunat este ca toti avem puterea de a transforma fiecare zi in Sabbath.Si facem asta dedicandu-ne iar minunatiilor copilariei.Facem asta daruindu-ne complet inima si mintea acestor micutii oameni pe care ii numim fiu sau fiica.
Timpul petrecut cu ei este Sabbath.Locul unde il petrecem se numeste Paradis."
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