"Everybody has many facets to them and I'm no different. When I'm in public, I often feel shy and reserved. Obviously, I feel differently away from the glare of cameras and staring people. My friends, my close associates, know there's another Michael that I find it difficult to present in the outlandish "public" situations I often find myself in.
It's different when I'm onstage, however. When I perform, I lose myself. I'm in total control of that stage. I don't think about anything. I know what I want to do from the moment I step out there and I love every minute of it. I'm actually relaxed onstage. Totally relaxed. It's nice. I feel relaxed in the studio too. I know whether something feels right. If it doesn't, I know how to fix it. Everything has to be in place and if it is you feel good, you feel fulfilled.
People used to underestimate my ability as a songwriter. They didn't think of me as a songwriter, so when I started coming up with songs, they'd look at me like: "Who really wrote that?" I don't know what they must have thought - that I had someone back in the garage who was writing them for me? But time cleared up those misconceptions.
You always have to prove yourself to people and so many of them don't want to believe."
"Fiecare om are mai multe laturi si eu nu sunt o exceptie.Cand sunt in public,deobicei ma simt rusinat si rezervat.Normal ca ma simt diferit,departe de lumina camerelor si de privirile oamenilor.Prietenii,asociatii apropiati,stiu ca este un alt Michael pe care imi este greu sa il arat in situatiile publice neobisnuite in care deseori ma aflu.
Cu toate astea,este diferit cand sunt pe scena.Atunci cand cant,ma pierd.Am controlul total asupra scenei.Nu ma gandesc la nimic.Stiu ce vreau sa fac din momentul in care pasesc acolo si ma bucur de fiecare minut.Sunt relaxat pe scena.Total relaxat.E frumos.Ma simt relaxat si in studio.Stiu cand ceva a iesit bine.Daca nu e asa,stiu cum sa-l repar.Totul trebuie sa fie in ordine si daca este te simti bine,te simti implinit.
Oamenii obisnuiau sa ma subestimeze ca si compozitor.Nu s-au gandit la mine ca la un compozitor,atunci cand am inceput sa scriu cantece, se uitau la mine ca si cum ar fi intrebat "Cine a scris asta cu adevarat?" Nu stiu ce au crezut cu adevarat-ca aveam niste oameni care scriau pentru mine?Cu timpul,aceste conceptii gresite au disparut.
Trebuie mereu sa le demonstrezi oamenilor ca ai dreptate,dar multi dintre ei nu vor sa creada"
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