miercuri, 31 martie 2010
Michael si Lisa Marie
“Love is an endless mystery, for it has nothing else to explain it"
"Dragostea este un mister nesfarsit,nu are nimic altceva care sa o explice."
"Lisa is sweet.I like her very much and we are friends.And who knows what tomorow brings?I have no idea how she feels today.I'll just say that.She comes to my house and sees my children,and we talk on the phone,that sort of thing."-1999
"Lisa e dulce.O plac tare mult si suntem prieteni.Si cine stie ce va aduce ziua de maine?N-am idee ce simte acum.O sa spun doar asta.
Vine la mine acasa si imi vede copiii,vorbim la telefon,cam asa."-1999
Michael Debbie
Debbie Rowe.Mama.
Prince si Paris,doua comori pentru Michael.
"Debbie and i love eachother for all reasons you will never see on stage or in pictures.I fell for the beautiful,unpretentious,giving person that she is,and she fell for me, just beeing me"
"Debbie si cu mine ne iubim din toate motivele pe care nu o sa le vedeti niciodata pe scena sau in poze.M-am indragostit de ea pentru frumusetea,modestia si bunatatea ei si ea s-a indragostit de mine,asa cum sunt"
Michael and Brooke
"Am mers la Academy Music Awards si fata asta vine la mine si imi spune "Buna,sunt Brooke Shields,vi la petrecerea de dupa?" eu i-am raspuns ca da si ea a spus ca ne vedem acolo.
Doamne,stie ca o am in poze prin toata camera?La petrecere,a venit la mine si m-a intrebat daca vreau sa dansez cu ea.I-am raspuns ca da si ne-am dus pe ringul de dans.
Am facut schimb de numere,si apoi am stat treaz toata noaptea cantand si invartindu-ma prin camera,atat de fericit.A fost minunat.Ne-am intalnit des dupa aceea."
Michael Diana Ross
"When I became a father, my whole sense of God and the Sabbath was redefined. When I look into the eyes of my son, Prince, and daughter, Paris, I see miracles and I see beauty. Every single day becomes the Sabbath. Having children allows me to enter this magical and holy world every moment of every day. I see God through my children. I speak to God through my children. I am humbled for the blessings He has given me.
There have been times in my life when I, like everyone, has had to wonder about God’s existence. When Prince smiles, when Paris giggles, I have no doubts. Children are God's gift to us. No--they are more than that—they are the very form of God's energy and creativity and love. He is to be found in their innocence, experienced in their playfulness.
Now I find this freedom and magic every day in my role as a father. The amazing thing is, we all have the ability to make every day the precious day that is the Sabbath. And we do this by rededicating ourselves to the wonders of childhood. We do this by giving over our entire heart and mind to the little people we call son and daughter. The time we spend with them is the Sabbath. The place we spend it is called Paradise."
"Cand am devenit tata,imaginea pe care o aveam despre Dumnezeu si Sabbath s-a redefinit.Cand privesc in ochii fiului meu Prince si fiicei mele ,Paris,vad miracole si frumusete.Fiecare zi devina Sabbath.Avand copii,mi se ingaduie sa intru in aceasta lume magica si sfanta in fiecare moment al fiecarei zile.Il vad pe Dumnezeu prin copiii mei.Ii vorbesc lui Dumnezeu prin copiii mei.Sunt coplesit de binecuvantarile pe care El mi le-a dat.
Au fost momente in viata mea,cand,la fel ca toata lumea,m-am intrebat despre existenta lui Dumnezeu.
Cand Prince rade,cand Paris zambeste,nu mai am indoieli.Copiii sunt cadoul lui Dumnezeu pentru noi.Nu-sunt mai mult decat asta-ei sunt energia, creativitatea si dragostea lui Dumnezeu.El se gaseste in inocenta lor,in joaca lor. Acum gasesc aceasta libertate si magie in fiecare zi,in rolul meu de tata.Ceea ce este minunat este ca toti avem puterea de a transforma fiecare zi in Sabbath.Si facem asta dedicandu-ne iar minunatiilor copilariei.Facem asta daruindu-ne complet inima si mintea acestor micutii oameni pe care ii numim fiu sau fiica.
Timpul petrecut cu ei este Sabbath.Locul unde il petrecem se numeste Paradis."
Heal the world!
M-a impresionat.Este esenta.Este tot ce inseamna Michael.Este despre lume.Este pentru lume.Totul se rezuma la dragoste.
Vindecati lumea!
"Everybody has many facets to them and I'm no different. When I'm in public, I often feel shy and reserved. Obviously, I feel differently away from the glare of cameras and staring people. My friends, my close associates, know there's another Michael that I find it difficult to present in the outlandish "public" situations I often find myself in.
It's different when I'm onstage, however. When I perform, I lose myself. I'm in total control of that stage. I don't think about anything. I know what I want to do from the moment I step out there and I love every minute of it. I'm actually relaxed onstage. Totally relaxed. It's nice. I feel relaxed in the studio too. I know whether something feels right. If it doesn't, I know how to fix it. Everything has to be in place and if it is you feel good, you feel fulfilled.
People used to underestimate my ability as a songwriter. They didn't think of me as a songwriter, so when I started coming up with songs, they'd look at me like: "Who really wrote that?" I don't know what they must have thought - that I had someone back in the garage who was writing them for me? But time cleared up those misconceptions.
You always have to prove yourself to people and so many of them don't want to believe."
"Fiecare om are mai multe laturi si eu nu sunt o exceptie.Cand sunt in public,deobicei ma simt rusinat si rezervat.Normal ca ma simt diferit,departe de lumina camerelor si de privirile oamenilor.Prietenii,asociatii apropiati,stiu ca este un alt Michael pe care imi este greu sa il arat in situatiile publice neobisnuite in care deseori ma aflu.
Cu toate astea,este diferit cand sunt pe scena.Atunci cand cant,ma pierd.Am controlul total asupra scenei.Nu ma gandesc la nimic.Stiu ce vreau sa fac din momentul in care pasesc acolo si ma bucur de fiecare minut.Sunt relaxat pe scena.Total relaxat.E frumos.Ma simt relaxat si in studio.Stiu cand ceva a iesit bine.Daca nu e asa,stiu cum sa-l repar.Totul trebuie sa fie in ordine si daca este te simti bine,te simti implinit.
Oamenii obisnuiau sa ma subestimeze ca si compozitor.Nu s-au gandit la mine ca la un compozitor,atunci cand am inceput sa scriu cantece, se uitau la mine ca si cum ar fi intrebat "Cine a scris asta cu adevarat?" Nu stiu ce au crezut cu adevarat-ca aveam niste oameni care scriau pentru mine?Cu timpul,aceste conceptii gresite au disparut.
Trebuie mereu sa le demonstrezi oamenilor ca ai dreptate,dar multi dintre ei nu vor sa creada"
Daca vrei sa cunosti II
"I'm this kind of person,if i take a week off,i feel i'm loafing,I feel like i'm getting behind,I like beeing active,i like to create,I'm constantly comming out with different songs and different ideas,prying into the future,the sound of tomorow"
"Sunt genul asta de persoana,daca imi iau o saptaman libera,ma simt ca si cum pierd timpul degeaba,ca si cum raman in urma,imi place sa fiu activ,imi place sa creez,mereu imi vin cantece noi,idei noi,cercetez viitorul,sunetul vremurilor viitoare"
"Sunt genul asta de persoana,daca imi iau o saptaman libera,ma simt ca si cum pierd timpul degeaba,ca si cum raman in urma,imi place sa fiu activ,imi place sa creez,mereu imi vin cantece noi,idei noi,cercetez viitorul,sunetul vremurilor viitoare"
Daca vrei sa cunosti I
"It's my contribution to life,to do what i'm doing and i put my heart in it.Whatever good i can do i do it cause i love people and I love making them happy."
"Este contributia mea la viata,sa fac ceea ce fac si pun tot sufletul in asta.Orice bine pot face il fac,pentru ca iubesc oamenii si ador sa ii fac fericiti."
"Este contributia mea la viata,sa fac ceea ce fac si pun tot sufletul in asta.Orice bine pot face il fac,pentru ca iubesc oamenii si ador sa ii fac fericiti."
"Daca vrei sa faci o lume mai buna,incepe cu tine,cu omul din oglinda"
Michael Jackson
"Nu-l poti invata nimic pe om.Il poti insa ajuta sa gaseasca raspunsul in el insusi
Galileo Galilei
"Daca vrei sa traiesti o viata fericita,croiesteti-o dupa un tel,nu dupa oameni sau lucruri."
Albert Einstein
"Adevaratul drum al cunoasterii consta nu in a cauta noi privelisti,ci in a avea o noua perspectiva."
Marcel Proust
"Ai incredere in tine insuti.Perceptiile si intuitiile tale sunt adesea mai precise decat esti dispus sa crezi"
Claudia Lee Black
"Nu putem spune ca nu avem curaj pentru ca lucrurile sunt dificile,ci tocmai pentru ca nu avem curaj,lucrurile devin dificile."
"Fac intotdeauna lucruri pe care nu le pot face;asa ajung sa le pot face!"
Pablo Picasso
"Sunt doar doua alegeri de baza in viata:sa accepti conditiile asa cum sunt,sau sa accepti responsabilitatea pentru a le schimba."
Denis Waitley
"Fi schimbarea pe care vrei sa o vezi in lume"
Mahatma Gandhi
"Moartea nu este cea mai mare frica a noastra;cea mai mare frica este aceea de a ne asuma riscul de a trai si de a exprima ceea ce ne reprezinta." Miguel Angel Ruiz
"Ca urmare a ceea ce ti s-a intamplat pana acum,fie alegi sa iti plangi de mila,fie tratezi ceea ce ti s-a intamplat ca pe un dar.Tot ce se intampla este ori o oportunitate sa cresti,ori un obstacol care te impiedica sa te dezvolti.Tu esti cel care face alegerea."
Wayne Dyer
"Copiii gasesc totul in nimic,oamenii gasesc nimic in tot"
Giacomo Leopardi
"Pentru a rezolva orice problema,iata trei intrebari pe care trebuie sa ti le pui: in primul rand,ce pot sa fac?in al doilea rand,ce pot citi?si in al treilea rand,pe cine pot intreba?"
Jim Rohn
"Daca vrei sa faci ceva intradevar extraordinar in viata,incepe cu un vis.Apoi trezeste-te si urmeaza-ti visul pana la capat."
Walt Disney
"Numai Dumnezeu poate decide cine va trai si cine va muri.Nu exista ceva care nu poate fi facut,daca ne unim si ne facem auziti"
Michael Jackson
marți, 30 martie 2010
Elisabeth Taylor
"I've met a lot of people in my life and very few are real,real friends.You could probably count them on one hand.And Elisabeth is one of the most loyal,loving,caring people that i know."
"Am cunoscut multi oameni la viata mea si foarte putin sunt adevarati prieteni.Poti sa ii numeri pe degetele de la o mana.Si Elisabeth este una dintre cele mai loiale,iubitoare si grijulii persoane pe care le stiu."
"He is the least weird man i have ever known.He is highly intelligent,shrewd,intuitive,understanding,sympathetic,generous"
"Este cel mai normal om pe care il cunosc.Este deosebit de inteligent,fin,intuitiv,intelegator,solidar si generos."
Prieteni adevarati.La bine si la rau.Mereu.Elisabeth Taylor.
"Am cunoscut multi oameni la viata mea si foarte putin sunt adevarati prieteni.Poti sa ii numeri pe degetele de la o mana.Si Elisabeth este una dintre cele mai loiale,iubitoare si grijulii persoane pe care le stiu."
"He is the least weird man i have ever known.He is highly intelligent,shrewd,intuitive,understanding,sympathetic,generous"
"Este cel mai normal om pe care il cunosc.Este deosebit de inteligent,fin,intuitiv,intelegator,solidar si generos."
Prieteni adevarati.La bine si la rau.Mereu.Elisabeth Taylor.
A white man once said,''Colored people are not allowed here.''
The black man turned around and stood up.
He then said:
Listen sir... when I was born I was black
When I grew up I was black,
When im sick i'm black,
When i go in the sun im black,
When i'm cold i'm black,
When I die i'll be black,
But you sir.
When you're born you're pink,
When you grow up you're white,
When you're sick you're green,
When you go in the sun you turn red,
When you're cold you turn blue,
And when you die you turn purple,
'And you have the nerve to call me colored?'
The black man then sat back down and the white man walked away.
Diferit?O inventie.
As simple as that
"I do disguises for different reasons.I like to studdy people-be like the fly on the wall.Even if it's two old ladies sitting on a bench or some kids on a swing.Because i don't know what it's like to fit in an everyday life situation.One time i was in a record store,completely disguised,and these girls were pulling out my album,talking all about me.I was literally next to them.It was wonderfull .I loved it."
"Ma deghizez din diverse motive.Imi place sa analizez oamenii-sa fiu ca o musculita pe perete.Indiferent daca sunt doua batrane care stau pe o banca sau niste copii pe un leagan.Pentru ca nu stiu cum este o situatie obisnuita.Odata eram intr-un magazin de discuri,complet deghizat si niste fete vroiau sa cumpere albumul meu si discutau despre mine.Eram chiar langa ele.A fost minunat.Mi-a placut la nebunie."
Absent minded me
I'm loosing a key or missing a glove
Just like me to lose my love
Gotta find it,absent minded me
Dizzy dopey me
Mixed-up mopey me
I'm way,way ahead
Of the game then it starts
How did i lose my king of hearts?
Gotta find it,absent minded me
There's my key
Gee,i left it in the door
There's my glove on the shelf
Now if i don't find my love
I'll be loosing myself
Gotta find him
Absent minded me
Nichita Stănescu
Leoaica tânără, iubirea
Leoaica tinara, iubirea mi-ai sarit în fata. Mă pindise-n incordare mai demult. Coltii albi mi i-a infipt în fata, m-a muscat leoaica, azi, de fata.
Si deodata-n jurul meu, natura
se facu un cerc, de-a-dura,
când mai larg, când mai aproape,
ca o stringere de ape.
Si privirea-n sus tisni,
curcubeu taiat în doua,
si auzul o-ntilni
tocmai lângă ciorcarlii.
Mi-am dus mâna la sprinceana,
la timpla si la barbie,
dar mâna nu le mai stie.
Si aluneca-n nestire
pe-un desert în stralucire,
peste care trece-alene
o leoaica aramie
cu miscarile viclene,
inca-o vreme,
si-nca-o vreme...
Ei spun ca nimeni nu e de neinlocuit.
Ei spun ca nimic nu dureaza vesnic.
Ei spun ca nu exista unicitate.
Tu nu i-ai ascultat.
Ei spun ca nimic nu dureaza vesnic.
Ei spun ca nu exista unicitate.
Tu nu i-ai ascultat.
luni, 29 martie 2010
Magic and madness
Intr-o lume atat de restransa,tu ai aratat posibilitatiile.
Check out this feeling
In my darkest hour
In my deepest despair
Would you still care?
Would you be there?
I know you will.
In my deepest despair
Would you still care?
Would you be there?
I know you will.
vineri, 26 martie 2010
'When I held Tatum's hand, I was, like, in heaven. It was the most magical thing. It was better than kissing her, it was better than anything."
"And I was watching the band, I was sitting there, and underneath the table, she was holding my hand, and I was, like, melting. Fireworks going off."
That's why i love you.
"Cand am tinut-o de mana pe Tatum,a fost ca in rai.Atat de magic.A fost mai bine decat daca o sarutam,mai bine decat orice."
"Si urmaream trupa,stateam acolo,si sub masa,ma tinea de mana,si eu ma topisem.Izbucnisera artificii."
Pentru asta te iubesc
joi, 25 martie 2010
9 luni
Ieri,azi,maine,pentru todeauna.
Atat dureaza dragostea adevarata.
Together Again
There are times
When I look above
And beyond
There are times when I feel your love
Around me baby
I'll never forget my baby
There are times when I look above and beyond
There are times when I feel your love around me baby
I'll never forget my baby
When I feel that I don't belong
Draw my strength
From the words when you said
Hey it's about you baby
Look deeper inside you baby
Dream about us together again
What I want us together again baby
I know we'll be together again cuz
Everywhere I go
Every smile I see
I know you are there
Smilin back at me
Dancin in moonlight
I know you are free
Cuz I can see your star
Shinin down on me
Always been a true angel to me
Now above
I can't wait for you to wrap your wings around me baby
Oooh wrap them around me baby
Sometimes hear you whisperin
No more pain
No worries will you ever see now baby
I'm so happy for my baby
There are times when I look above and beyond
There are times when I feel you smile upon me baby
I'll never forget my baby
What I'd give just to hold you close
As on earth
In heaven we will be together baby
Together again my baby
Atat dureaza dragostea adevarata.
Together Again
There are times
When I look above
And beyond
There are times when I feel your love
Around me baby
I'll never forget my baby
There are times when I look above and beyond
There are times when I feel your love around me baby
I'll never forget my baby
When I feel that I don't belong
Draw my strength
From the words when you said
Hey it's about you baby
Look deeper inside you baby
Dream about us together again
What I want us together again baby
I know we'll be together again cuz
Everywhere I go
Every smile I see
I know you are there
Smilin back at me
Dancin in moonlight
I know you are free
Cuz I can see your star
Shinin down on me
Always been a true angel to me
Now above
I can't wait for you to wrap your wings around me baby
Oooh wrap them around me baby
Sometimes hear you whisperin
No more pain
No worries will you ever see now baby
I'm so happy for my baby
There are times when I look above and beyond
There are times when I feel you smile upon me baby
I'll never forget my baby
What I'd give just to hold you close
As on earth
In heaven we will be together baby
Together again my baby
luni, 22 martie 2010
"I can only imagine the ovation he experienced in heaven.I can see James Brown,Sammy Davis,Jackie Wilson,Marvin Gaye,Otis Redding,Sam Cooke,Elvis Presley,Frank Sinatra,Tchaikovsky,Mozart,Da Vinci and so many giants from whom he drew inspiration welcoming him home."
Ingerule,desfasoara-ti aripile!liber.acum da.
I love you more than most!Gotcha'! <3
Ingerule,desfasoara-ti aripile!liber.acum da.
I love you more than most!Gotcha'! <3
duminică, 14 martie 2010
sâmbătă, 13 martie 2010
Vreau sa scriu ceva dar nu pot.
Vreau sa plang dar poate nu ma vei auzi.Izvorul nesfarsit al larimilor mele a secat demult.
Vreau sa ma eliberezi,dar nu vrei sa imi dai drumul prea curand.
Stiu ca nu ma vezi ca pe un obiect sexual,tu nu esti ca toti ceilalti,si totusi de ce nu esti aici?Pentru ca nu esti ca toti ceilalti.
Viata e un joc pervers,si asta nu a spus-o vreun filozof.Si tu ai jucat-o pana la capat.
Ieri,m-am simtit singura.Mana ta imi mangaia obrazul.In vis.Cel de zi.Cata nevoie as fi avut de tine.Acum si oricand.Da.Eu de tine si nu tu de mine.
Ne traim viata.Noi.Corpul e prizonier,mintea e libera.Esti liber acum.Simt asta.
Visez sa-ti pozez nud pentru un desen,cum a facut Rose pentru Jack in Titanic,Monalisa pentru Leonardo Da Vinci.Pentru asta sunt ciudata?diferita?sau poate doar te iubesc...
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